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Everything posted by gregair

  1. Hey Stwa thats great work you have done there. Any chance of you doing something similar for Angola/Namibia border area for 1980's?
  2. Wow, what a beauty, can't wait for this one, I have some cool cammo schemes for it.
  3. Hey Stratos, It seems everyone has lost interest or are busy with something else. Can you create or mod anything for this SFP1? I was thinking we really need a nice terraine for Southern Africa. Any campaigns could involve a number of countries eg. South African Air Force flew ops in Angola, Zambia and Mozambique. Rhodesia did the same and some ops were flown together in mixed SAAF / Rho AF formations so it could be really interesting. Also can incorporate Portuguese AF for earlier part of campaigns. Ordway was busy with a terrain but never finished it. I can do some average quality skins for the campaign (see earlier in this thread) but someone needs to do the terraign and either mod an existing campain or better yet create a new one. Campaign examples: Historical, based on various SAAF, Rho Af and Portuguese missions Historical, same as above but flying for Angola, Zambia, Mozambique etc. What if campaign 1: Late 50s to early 60s What if campaign 2: 2005 to 2015 war of attrition type campaign. Most of the important historical aircraft and ground objects are already available, just some skin updates for some of them. Any one out there that can help with this?
  4. img00663.jpg

    From the album Works in Progres Africa

  5. Works in Progres Africa

    Some skins of mainly African aircraft I am working on
  6. img00275.jpg

    From the album Works in Progres Africa

  7. img00070.jpg

    From the album Works in Progres Africa

  8. img00137.jpg

    From the album Works in Progres Africa

  9. Hi Lindr2, I can send you Angolan Mig23ML and UB "Bort numbers List" if you need, let me know but I dont have any serial numbers. To model their cammo is a nightmare as no two Angolan Mig-23 seem to have the same scheme.
  10. Another WIP that I have wanted to do for a loooong time, 85 AFS was the Air combat school for SAAF fast jets using Impala Mk1 & Mk2, Sabre and Mirage IIIDZ,D2Z,EZ. During 1970's and 80's very year in July they would send some of all these aircraft to meet up with aircraft from all SAAF Jet squadrons in Durban (South African East coast) and have 3 weeks of unlimited dissimilar air combat over the sea. (Top Gun type excersises with no speed or altitude restrictions). I sure miss those days! It would be nice to have a small campain replicating these excersises over Durban over the sea (Airport about 0.5 to 1 km from the sea. Anyway, a WIP of 85 AFS Canadair Sabre 6, I took the colour samples directly off a photo and I think it captured the colours very nicely. I guess its time to start finishing all the WIP's!!!! I have a problem doing the decals, If I supplied all the relevent information is there someone willing to do the decals for some of the skins I have shown in this thread?
  11. Wow those are excellent! There are some excellent SAAF skins out there, Now we need a Mirage 3RZ or R2Z, the RZ's were delivered in standard French Grey/Green cammo and looked reeally cool with SAAF markings, from about 76 they were changed to the Deep budd/green cammo. Just a note, the shock cones sticking out of the air intakes were completely green on all SAAF Mirage 3's Im really looking forward to the campaign!
  12. Hey usone, that would be fantastic, I really look forward to your campaign. Just a note, SAAF never used Mirage 5d (you could use it to simulate SAAF Mirage 111RZ or R2Z) but they did use Mirage 111EZ in same cammo as Mirage 111cz. There is a skin available for SAAF Canberra B1-8 of 12 squadron if you need. As for enemy skins for the campaign, if any of my skins below are good enough for you, you are welcome to include them if you wish. Mozambique Mig-21 bis WIP historically correct skin (My skin))Some additions to decals still needed...Bort numbers Angolan Mig-21 takes a hit (slightly modified Markfighters skin historically correct) Angolan Mig-23-ML WIP historically correct skin (My skin) Angolan Mig-23-ML WIP historically correct skin (My skin)Needs some work and panel lines 2 Squadron engaging with guns,I believe this is one of PGC's awsome SAAF Mirage 3CZ skins which also works perfectly on Mirage 3E for SAAF 3EZ Zambian Mig-21 bis, SAAF did a number of strikes into Zambia. (slightly modified Markfighters skin WIP historically correct skin) SAAF Impala, WIP historically correct skin (My skin) SAAF 1 Squadron F1AZ (F1C-200) early attempt at SAAF scheme but still needing a lot of work, WIP historically correct skin (My skin) Bear in mind towards the end of the war a number of F1AZ appeared in this scheme but with the deep buff (sand) colour replaced with dark earth same as the Impalas.
  13. Whooo hooo, Ndicki those are awsome!!!!! I am a HUGE SAAF fan, I have been struggling to get that cammo for the F1CZ right for Ages. I can't wait for you to release it, any plans for the Buff/Green cammo scheme? Mirage factory has an F1AZ on their "to do" list but I guess it could be a long time before we see it. Maybe we could use the F1C-200 with refuelling probe to simulate the F1AZ for now. Also I wish I knew how to mod the aircraft because I would love to have the single seat Impala MK2, I know Markfighters is doing a beautiful one but it also has no delivery date. As an adversary, I have improved my Mozambique Mig-21 Bis scheme (SAAF flew a number of Ops into Mozambique who had 40-50 Mig-21's), still not finished but I think it looks a lot better than the earlier version that you have already seen. Also some good progress on Angolan Mig-23 cammo after loads of research. Anyway, I cant wait to see the next SAAF skins, thank you.
  14. I know that you can manually do this for your flights skins but is it possible to setup the game to give the AI aircraft individual skins? For example, the enemy Mig-23 formation of four aircraft have 2, 3 or 4 different colour schemes in the formation?
  15. To be historically correct and for "eye candy". For example, Angolan Mig-23s had a wide range of different colour schemes, so the aircraft in a formation all had different colour schemes in real life, so I wanted to do the same. However, if its not possible, then I can live with that.
  16. That would be fantasic if you could finish that Terrain! Im sitting with a bunch of unfinished Angolan, South African, Mozambique, Zambian, Botswana and Rhodesian skins, that terrain woud re-inspire me to finish them...some of them at least!
  17. Angolan Mig-23 ML ... out to play!
  18. Excellent stuff Ordway, the cockpits are really great, Im looking forward to this. Time for me to try my hand at some Angolan Mig-23 skins, the old 23ML's are quite cool in their faded camo and the new refurbished ones look neat too. Somone please do a good Sub Saharen or Southern Africa terrain.
  19. Hows the campaign and terrain coming along?
  20. superhind...i want one

    This upgraded Hind version is in service in Algeria, I understand that they have 36 in service..
  21. I don't claim to be an expert, but do have some knowledge of SAAF cammo in WW2. Throughout the war SAAF combat aircraft generally had the standard RAF cammo patterns, colours and style of markings with the exception of the red being replaced with orange on the roundels and fin flashes. Back in SA at the OTU's, the aircraft generally had the standard RAF cammo or sometimes a single colour cammo and over these would be painted hi viz yellow areas. Your Mohawk is looking really great, although having seen some photo's of these aircraft in SAAF service, I would lean towards a darker shade of the dark earth and a greener dark green. (just my thoughts). Looking forward to seeing the rest of the aircraft.
  22. I think this is the type of nose that the guys are actually looking for, Mirage 3R or Mirage 3RD type noses. This Mirage 3RZ is the South African designation for the Mirage 3RD

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