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Everything posted by jazz5150

  1. iI've been coming here for years, but I'm mostly just lurking around. Now I want to thank John and the gentleman of YAP however for their very fast response on a little problem I had. When they are awake and the mail is working, they respond very quickly :fan_1: For everybody who has not taken a look yet: Yankee Air Pirate is an add-on build around series of missions. You get 100 missions in all, in 10 parts. It is very immersive and I have had occasions where my imagination let me feel part of the terror the pilot flying the mission for real must have felt. Never knew photo missions could be this exciting! Fan mail over :fans:
  2. Other Flight Sim Sites

    Most visits to: Lockonfiles, Altair VA, AVSIM, Column5, Dutch FS site, Falcon5.nl, Lead Pursuit, Mission4today, Ubi, PMDG, SIMHQ, VATSIM, Thirdwire.
  3. Blue Angel crash

  4. My new son...

  5. Any Photographers Here?

    I also agree that somewhat less exposure would deliver better pictures. Because the photo's are taken in very bright sunlight near the middle of the day (judging by the shadows) I would use either a polarising filter for colour pictures or a red filter for b&w. Aperture settings are personal taste, but if you want focus on the plane blurring the background is a good idea. I would also change position to unclutter the background. For example in the picure of the Thud the building in the background comes up to approx. halfway the fuselage. I would try to get a shot with the building being behind the whole planes, or not in the picture at all. As a pure personal taste I would try to make more adventurous picitures. Try to get a picture from the top, the bottom, lying behind the nozzle down the fuselage. Or focus on an interesting part of the plane an build from there. The Thud has interesting air intakes imho, try to use it in a pucture. The F104 is a missile with razor sharp wings, etc. These are pure personal views from an amateur, take them for what they are worth...
  6. Any Photographers Here?

    For aviation photography use a good tele lens or zoom lens. At least 300mm, 400 or 500 is better. Get used to using the camara with this big heavy lens. Don't use a tripod unless you are primarily interested in static shots or have trouble keeping the camara steady. It limits your options. Move around your object if at all possible. When photographing a display team try to concentrate on their strong points. US teams are very good in formation flights, the Red Arrows make spectacular breaks with coloured smoke, the italians have great solo pairs. Use as slow a film (setting for you're digital camara) as feasable for the current conditions. Try and stand at about half lenght of the runway and somewhat elevated. You will be able to take better shots with less spectators crowding your view. This point is also the focus point for display teams most of the time. And you will be able to get good front and back shots of planes taking of and landing. Make series of shots, this is especially important when trying to capture breaks. Change your aperture and figure out what settings you like best, only the plane in focus, everything in focus, somewhere in between... Use fast shutter settings, but as slow as you can get away with, this will give you more options for your aperture. Try to use both black and white and colour, black and white is very good for playing with shadows and can render spectacular results in twilight if used to its potential. Colour captures "reality" better and is great when photographing display teams. Practice (a lot!) and develop your own style. Learn the rules of photography, they are a great foudation, and play with bending or breaking them. This can be very effective if you know what rule you are breaking and what the effect is you're looking for. Read: Kodak Complete Book of Photography if you can get it. It is a well written book which covers all the basics and then some... My 2 cents from the top of my head.
  7. Just to be sure, /Quote "Open up that data.ini file for both aircraft. Scroll down to the weapons. Cut and paste what you see on the A-4B here, then I can tell you what you need to transcribe to the F-100. Shoot me a PM when you do so I can find you." /Quote Since you are talking about stock aircraft in the game, you will have to use the extract utility to extract the data.ini files for the aircraft. Jazzz5150

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