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Everything posted by angelp

  1. I am working in a experiment, I made a simple submarine and experiment a little... the plane is the A6m-N that is here because i couldn't find the "real" one for this ship... see for yourself So far the experiment works ok... the catapult launch the plane without problem, and the plane lands "on water" near the submarine, however it got damaged, maybe its a thing in the ini file, so i keep trying.. Texture are basic, no serious paint job yet.. if the model works ok i will release. Eole, about the japanese patrol boat, I will work on her this week, i completely forgot her sorry about that, she needs a more accurate gun and missile model, and of course, better paintjob
  2. Don´t worry, i am aware about the whole meaning and its a lot more than a ships name, I will keep away from her then, About the other models the 3d work it´s done, corrected mesh better welding etc, but the textures are difficult because my experiwence with paint software is near 0, so i send the uvm maps to a friend of mine who offered to paint them. In the meanwhile I want to try some exotic ship, i have 3 candidates so i will keep you in touch... If i could made it work on the game will be a very grteful surprise for you guys, specially in you PTO installations. Thank you all for your very useful advises
  3. Flying arround near Okinawa... I found this...
  4. Not very polite.... but ok, I will finish the Yamato for myself then
  5. Hello guys, I resume work on ships after that little brake, the planes modeling is more difficult that i thought so i will concentrate on ships for a while. I was playing around in my old pc and i found my old CAd models when i was at the university, I took two courses on CAD software and one of the assignments was to make a "complex" model of a ship or machine, and i chose a ship... my favorite ships for all times in fact, I tried to convert this files to Max to put it on the game but the result was a total mess, anyway i was able to put it on max, but the mesh got messed up, I think she will need a lot of work, but i think it worth a try, because as i said, it´s my favorite ship It lacks all of the secondary guns, a lot of details, and textures, because i could not make them work on 3d max, but here is what i got from that old file Also, i will need some volunteers for test this ship when it will be done, because as i could see, it will have a high poly count, so i dont know that it will work well on all the pc that runs the game, so any volunteers let me know. I will focus on this project and no other work until she is finish. ( Maybe I could release the Padilla FF, but as it is, with basic textures, if there is the need ) A.. I forgot.. if anyone wants to make the textures for any of the aircraft that i amde and want to play with the ini files, send me a message. (only the super tucano and aviocar.. i am looking for the author of the helicopters to ask permision to release )
  6. They were two models i downloaded from a web page (3d cad browser i think) to test and experiment with flight models for my AB-212, so maybe they are used in FSX addons. In fact they were very useful to find and solve some the issues. I don´t know if they are from FSX or other game and because of this maybe they wont´t leave my pc because i can´t find the author of the models so i can´t have the authorization to release, also the license of the site allows personal us, so i think it´s ok to play with them as long as i don´t release them.
  7. Thanks Crusader, i will fix it , i think it could be the pivot point
  8. Topic de presentación

    HOla me llamo Angel soy de Caracas, y bueno tengo ya algun tiempo jugando SF2 pero hasta hace poco me decidi a realizar algunos modelos, de barcos fundamentalmente y hace poco de algunos aviones que me llaman la atención, puden ver el trabajo en progrreso en el foro en ingles o aqui en el foro en español. Gracias a todos por sus valiosos aportes
  9. Hello everyone, i could solve the problem with the models, now they can takeoff, fly and land (as should be... ) Here are some captures of the models.. Now i will start to paint them.. a real headache for me jejej After this ones, i promise to finish the Ab-212 ASW and go back to ships
  10. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Hola a todos, tuve problemas de conexion estos dias, pero al fin pude solucionarl los problemas con los modelos, simplemente era una cuestion de asignar correctamente el centro de gravedad y la inercia, asi que a la fnal pude volar los modelos desde el principio, ahora viene lo que para mi es mas complicado, las pieles, pero mientras les dejo unas capturas del trabajo hasta ahora Gracias a todos por la ayuda
  11. Thanks for your tips, i tried with the A-29 without luck, so i tried with two other models , a k-8 and a aviocar, but the same problems. I think i have a very bad issue with the model, or maybe i´m missing something, so any help will be VERY apreciated, in the meanwhile i decided to continue trying with that models, the Aviocar with fixed landing gear but no luck, an the k-8 with the same result So if anyone want to try editing the INi files please PM me and i will send the files Thanks
  12. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Trate de solucionar el problema de la explosion de los modelos sin exito, asi que trate con dos modelos nuevos, un K-8 y un Aviocar, primero trabaje con el aviocar ya que tiene el tren fijo pero sigue con el mismo problema de explotar en tierra, aun asi creo que se ve bien incluso con sus pieles provisionales BUsco a lagun voluntario que me ayude al menos cno el modelo de vuelo de este o los otros aviones , y si hay alguien que me eche una mano tambien con las pieles se lo agradeceria muchisimo, solo mandenme un PM para enviarle los archivos apenas estoy aprendiendo a hacer estos aviones Gracias a todos
  13. A-29B Super Tucano Model flights well in game, the only problem is that explodes on the runway and some issues with the gear doors.... I am working on that but i don't have any idea what the problem is It far away for perfect but i think is a little better than the Super Tucano that is arround
  14. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Hasta ahora asi va el Super Tucano Lo que esta faltando es ajustes en el archivo del modelo de vuelo, porque el avion esta explotando en pista, aparte de las puertas en el tren de aterrizaje que en el juego aparecen descuadradas pero en el modelo estan bien
  15. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Ya solucione el problema con las pieles, era un error al exportarlo ya que los mesh del modelo superaban el limite de poligonos, los separe y santo remedio. Lo que sigue es solucionar problemas con el archivo INI ya que el avion esta explotando en pista, entre otras cosas extrañas...
  16. Hello everyone, I just finish the padilla, and started to model a super tucano, but i am stuck with this problem... transparent mesh any sugestions? I have the same problem with the AB-212
  17. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Hola a todos, quizas algunos de uds han visto mis modelos de buques en el foro en ingles, pero decidi intentar con un avion, comence a modelar un A-29 super tucano El detalle esta en que al moemento de montarlo en el juego el modelo se volvio un desastre, pero lo mas grave es que casi todos los nodos del modelo apartecen transparentes Alguna idea de lo que puede estar pasado? Gracias por la ayuda
  18. I`m considering leave the model because i read that WBS will make it. His models are a lot better than mine; so I will focus on other exotic and less known ships, so i started with the FS-1500, The Padilla class frigate of the Colombian Navy And about the hellos, i will work on them as soon as I comlete the Padilla FF, I will PM Yakarov and Dels for some advise. Thank for the tip daddyairplanes
  19. I `ve been quite busy with other things, but i could work on the Caio Duilio destroyer, here is the work so far Also i have been working on a pair of helos, but the flight model and the ini fles are quite difficult. I think i will focus on ships for a while
  20. SF2 Minerva Class Corvette

    Prego Paulo...
  21. SF2 Minerva Class Corvette

    Version 1.0


    Minerva Class for Strike Fighters 2 Version 1.1 Release 06/12/2015 This model is not to be used in any commercial or for-profit packages. It may, however, be used in any freeware mod. According to the Combat-Ace terms of use. This model represents the MInerva Class corvette in the service with the Italian Navy. Contents: -Objects- MInerva Class Corvette -Weapons- Aspide Surface to Air Missile -Guns- OtoBreda 76 mm -Decals- HUll numbers for all the ships in service Installation (SF2): Extract each folder into the matching folders in your mod directory. Notes. v. 1.0: Initial Release Credits: Model:angelp, WhiteBoySamurai Skins and textures: angelp Ini files:angelp Decals: angelp

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