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Posts posted by sixstrings

  1. Thanks bro. Looks like i'll have to get FE2 then. Love the SF2 series ! Just got the old original CFS3/OFF phase 2, (WW I Freeware version), up and going and is still great. Have IL-2 '46 BAT that covers this era decently . Now i'm hooked on WW I ! FE2 should run fine on my mid range gaming rig. WOFF is too much for my current video card.  So this will do fine ,plus lots of addons to boot.

  2. Just got into the SF2 series and love it. Now the next move ,FE2 ,a awesome looking sim that my gaming rig can handle easily. Very excited about all the addons and all the mods for it. Will be getting FE2 in the next few weeks-(limited income) ,and will really enjoy it. I'm sure i'll be a regular once i do ! Love combat ace. Can't believe what i've been missing out on all this time. Better late than never ! Regards,Scott

    • Like 14

  3. I agree UllyB , That's what i was getting at. Not hidden but the added cost for extra aircraft. Can be a very expensive sim for just a little more eye candy. The flight modeling for their WW II aircraft is terrible and no excuse for what you pay. CFS3 has much more accurate FM with their 1% aircraft. That's why i've stuck with it for 20 years now, and the graphics are really nice now with all the improvements done over the years. For WW II it and IL-2 1946 are my favorite , along with WOFF/BHaH II -(for WW I). SF2 has that same hold on me now and enjoy it much. Regards,Scott

  4. What a great site this is ! Such wonderful people here ! Sorry i got stuck in WW I and WW II. Love this jet action and enjoy it better than DCS. Live on a fixed income, so i'll take what comes my way. SF2 was affordable with no hidden fees,(like DCS), to enjoy and tons of freeware done by wonderful people. So much fun for little money. Been trying to get my mind around Falcon BMS but it is such a steep learning curve. SF2 isn't too difficult and has a great bit of action to enjoy. Excited to be here. Thanks guys ! Regards,Scott

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  5. A late comer ,but rather late than never. Just added YAP RW and YAP RW flight school to SF2 Vietnam and am amazed and really love it . Excited ! This is the first mod that i've added so far. Was at first intimidated as i'm so new , but the SF2 series ,and modders make it so easy. I come from a CFS3 and IL-2 1946 background where every mod is a real pain to get right installing. SF2 is the easiest air combat sim to add mods to that i ever came across ! Let the addiction now begin ! Thanks to all the modders for making this sim a real diamond ! So much to do and looking to take as much HD space as i can with this series ! Regards,Scott

    • Like 12

  6. In the sim. Can be very detailed when modding. Much more difficult than SF2 ,but easier than IL-2 1946. Borrowed things from WOFF and WOTR and new effects that greatly enhance the look and immersion .This screenshot  is from the CFS3 ETO expansion Regards,Scott

  7. Just installed EAW/UAW 1.60-( standalone mod pack) ,and enjoy it very much. Full screen and in win 10. What joy ! Played it a lot back in the day till CFS2 and CFS3 came out. Still hard core with CFS3 after 20 years and love these classic sims. Very few air comat sims these days, so it's nice to play ones from the golden era of combat flight sims. Love the 90's to early 2000's air combat sims. Regards,Scott

  8. I'll probably get into SF2 mods as i did for CFS3 and IL-2 1946. So much to contribute. Don't have 3d max  but starting to use Gmax for CFS3. Would love to make aircraft but can't afford the software. Lots of other things to do though. Very moddable series and easy for the end user. Just getting into the revamped YAP right now and really enjoying this immense amount of work. Excellent addon ,and so many more to choose from. Excited about all the WW II stuff also ! What joy ! Can't believe i waited so long to be involved with this great simulator. Regards,Scott

  9. Just getting into the SF2 series and am sorry i didn't get involved sooner. Had no idea so much has been done to this simulator. Like to say Thank You to all the modders that have done so much. Thank you for bring such joy to others. Thank you all for all the work and effort put in for others to enjoy ,and for no charge. Thanks for making SF2 so dang addicting !  Thank you all again . Regards,Scott

    • Like 13

  10. Very new here in the SF2 forum and would first like to say thank you to all the modders here. I am in awe at all that has been done with this wonderful combat flight simulator. If i'd known that SF2 was so moddable and easy to understand i'd gotten involved with SF2 long ago. Mainly a WW I and WW II guy, but the modern combat aircraft are a nice change. So all i can say is follow your passion and it always will show in your work. Thanks for the time and effort for others to enjoy . Regards,Scott

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  11. Hahaha Guys ! I'm a facebook addict , i must admit.Lol ! Don't watch tv but i guess fb is just as bad. Just trying there in the group section to spread the word about combat flight sims. i mainly hang out at sim-outhouse.com for my long interest in CFS3 and sas1946.com for my long interest in IL-2 1946. Now i have a new addiction and that is here at combat ace ! Wonderful place and much to learn. Love SF2 and sorry i'm a late bloomer ,totally love this series. The mods are mind blowing. So much to choose from ,i can really take up some hd space ! Can't believe i waited so long to get into SF2 ,but glad i finally did ! A modders dream ! Regards,Scott

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  12. Looking to get a new flight controller for SF2. Mainly play WW I and WW II air combat sims, (fairly simple control commands). Just recently getting into more modern air combat sims as SF2 and Falcon BMS after being away from them for about 13 years. Need a flight controller i can map most commands with ,and on a budget. Looking at the Logitech X52 . Is it worthwhile or should i consider something else ? Any recommendations would be most welcomed . Thanks ,Scott

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  13. Hello, i'm a newcomer to the SF2 series,and been starting to read the whole SF2 online manual. A lot to absorb for someone that's played mainly WW I and WW II combat flight simulators. Where can i find a good quick reference on the Key Commands for SF2. Hard for me to memorize any other way. Have the DLC package and don't know how install it yet. I really am green  fellas. Thanks for any help. Is there any thing wrong by the way i'm trying to get my mind around it, or a easier way ? Do suffer from brain damage ,so everything new is a real challenge, but need it for therapy purposes too. Regards, Scott

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