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Everything posted by sixstrings

  1. Anybody knows what's gonna happen in September

    Glad i'm here in the USA .Even though we have a massive illegal alien problem , the dollar is worth nothing,Washington isn't listening and more ,but soon there's going to be a presidential election and hopefully things will start to change. At least there is hope. Don't want to say more on the web,but let me say i'm ready and stocked up and prepared for the worst...can live off the grid , plenty of food,water , guns and ammo.....bring it on.......
  2. Battle of Britian Simulators for 75th anniversary

    I'm sold on BoB II WoV !! Will order the sim on Amazon , as it's pretty cheap there. CFS3-BoB has improved ai along with many other advances covered with the update coming soon. I'm testing it right now and it's amazing . Have Just Flight's BoB for CFS3 and its good but dated and a good pc is required -(it's official too!!). Sometimes you get caught up in a certain sim/series and it's hard to break away ie- keyboard commands , game play....and more. All the sims i own have their up and down sides. It's all what you can live with or not.
  3. Battle of Britian Simulators for 75th anniversary

    Thanks for the link , Dave......
  4. Battle of Britian Simulators for 75th anniversary

    Just a note BoB II maybe "old" but some of the oldies are the best. Wish sim developers would listen to their customers/users and we would not be dealing with falling fan base. Just take a close look at the newest Il-2 version out now and you'll see what i mean.Still love Il-2 '46 , Lock-on/Flaming Cliffs, CFS3 in all its' versions and a few others like the Thirdwire series ,WOFF and RoF..... Can't believe i let BoB II slip by me ! Thanks for any advise/links for BoB II. My old gaming pc is officially DOA and running everything for now on my gaming laptop till i build a new desktop rig. How well will BoB II run with Win 7 ?
  5. Battle of Britian Simulators for 75th anniversary

    Is there any links for websites that offer the updates available for BoB II ? Will stay away from CLOD for now. The update for CFS3-BoB won't be available until sometime in October due to personal problems. The version out now is still good though. I have the prerelease update (minus some of the new missions and effects) and it's awesome. Giant formations,fantastic ai ,graphics and immersion are all covered (not too hard on the pc too).CFS3 can be had at a cheep price at Amazon. Will definitely be getting BoB II (amazon has it for a cheap price). Thanks for the advice. Any help of were to find a website that covers BoB II will be useful. Another site to help getting CFS3 installed on Win7 and above and everything else about CFS3 is http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/content.php Lots more links but this will get you started.
  6. @ Capun & DAT

    I can't even get registered there ...bunch of snobs!!
  7. Anybody knows what's gonna happen in September

    A democracy will only survive till the people realize they can vote themselves money....
  8. Anybody knows what's gonna happen in September

    September marks the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain . A new long awaited update for CFS3-BoB is coming in Sep. I'm playing the prerelease version and it's fantastic.It surpasses Il2-CoD in graphics and ai and best of all it's free if you already have CFS3. The team site is http://cfs3bob.wix.com/battle-of-britain Another must have site showing help getting CFS3 working with Win.7 and above along tons of downloads,helpful forums and more. http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/content.php I'm looking forward to installing BoB II also. I'm even going to try CoD again along with the latest update.Heard it's worth playing now. Wow ! 3 separate sims of The Battle of Britain ! Cheers
  9. Anybody knows what's gonna happen in September

    Very funny but oh so true!
  10. Anybody knows what's gonna happen in September

    It was in the 1950's when we-(S.W. Louisiana) had a really bad hurricane.Around 50 years with out happening again isn't too bad i guess when you look else were ,though. It sure can be another 50 or more till the next-(i won't be around !). Tornado's scare me the most and been though a few of those to know just how devastating they can be.You can run from a hurricane but not a tornado !
  11. Anybody knows what's gonna happen in September

    Another Doomsday like 2012 , Really !!! Live each day like it's your last . Be good to others even when they are not with you. Love God and love each other,those are the whole law. Come what may,protect your family with a disaster plan. I live in a area in danger of hurricanes. Hurricane Rita hit our area much worse than Katrina hit N.O.-(even with the levees breaking and flooding). People here didn't get all the media attention was and is because we didn't want a hand out,we protected our own and others/neighbors property ,we went to work and rebuilt. I'm glad my family came through it all ok,thanks to planing ahead. Never ran out of food water and a roof over our heads ,during the whole time , no power or natural gas and no running water in most places around here. There's always some kinda dooms day , but we all need a emergency plan if just for natural disasters .
  12. Being the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain ,CoD has my attention now. Have it somewhere around here. Have researched and found a lot of the game issues have been corrected with CoD. I'm a Il-2 '46 and a CFS3 fan but find the latter to be easier to mod.They both have their pluses and minuses. Have Il-2 '46,CFS3-(highly modded),FS-WWI and CFS3-BoB on my laptop ,for now, as my gaming rig is DOA . It runs smooooth at med-high settings. A major update is coming in September . I got the pre-release update for testing and all i can say is, WOW ! It,s also free if you have CFS3. Simple to install as will be the update. I always say the more the merrier !! here's a link http://cfs3bob.wix.com/battle-of-britain#!
  13. Movies

    Just watched " Fury" ,a instant classic for tank enthusiast. Very accurate and immersive . Some of the best acting / effects of any WWII movie i've ever seen.
  14. Enjoy Il-2 '46 a great deal after being away for a while. No mods, just patched to 4.13. No problems yet . However i find CFS3 , with it's multiple theaters of operation/timeline , tons of a/c,missions/campaigns,effects and much more to be pretty straight forward and easy. Windows7 made things a little more tedious with CFS3 when installing though. Will definitely keep CFS3-BoB-(running a unreleased updated version) as it really needs nothing more as of yet-(fully immersive and dynamic ). A full updated version of CFS3-BoB should available some time in September. Will look more closely at CoD , but it seems a little intimidating to me. Another flight sim that covers the epic Battle of Britain can't be all bad ! Especially since it is the 75 anniversary .
  15. Just played a few quick missions on Il-2 '46 4.13 and seems to be stable. Will explore more later as CFS3 BoB and FS-WWI are taking most of my free time right now.
  16. Have Il-2 '46 patched to 4.13 . Working fine with no problems yet. Game is stock and is only updated.
  17. Awesome !!! Looking forward to its' release , as a WWII junkie,this seems to be what i been looking for in a sim.
  18. FS-WWI question/help

    Don't know if this best place for this plea for help but the WWI section seems to be pretty dead. Been trying to download the FS-WWI plane pac full version with the direct link that the FS-WWI home site provides - (DBmod site for downloading). All i get are broken/incomplete downloads. Tried a lot of times and used different mirrors(logged on to site) to no avail. Could somebody point me in the right direction to a better site/torrent . Will gladly pay for shipping and handling for a DVD if someone can. Any help would be appreciated . Thanks
  19. FS-WWI question/help

    Thanks for the info,Bro. Think i have RB3D somewhere around here. Really been enjoying FS-WWI. This will definitely get me by till i build my new rig and beyond . Runs great on my laptop, smoooooth .
  20. FS-WWI question/help

    Problem solved !! Thanks guys.
  21. FS-WWI info

    Does anyone here know about FS-WWI ? It's a add-on that looks very interesting with a large amount of aircraft ,flight modling and more,plus it's FREE. You can still get SDOE ,(screaming demons over europe), at Amazon for cheap,(this is the the core game for the add-on). Currently running a XP rig (upgraded with 4 gigs of ram,Nvidea GTX 2 gig video card,Pentium 4 cpu...) and hope the ol'e modded Dell can handle it. Will self-build a new Win.7 64 bit high-end rig by the end summer/early fall. The new rig will be able to handle any CFS ie. (WOFF,RoF,SF2 series,DCS series...), out now and the foreseeable future. Thanks for any help to see if this sim is worth the time are not.
  22. FS-WWI question/help

    Thanks Bro, will do tomorrow. Those screen shots were amazing for a free combat flight simulator!!! Temporarily using my laptop as my old computer is finally DOA. That's what makes FS-WWI so attractive is it doesn't take a high end comp to play. Currently have 3 CFS3 installs , heavily modded, and Il-2 '46 fully patched on my laptop and they play well with mid settings. Adding a WWI sim would be sweet while i save enough to build my own gaming pc.
  23. FS-WWI question/help

    Thanks for the advice Lima . I still can't get it to complete a full download. The last few seconds remaining it kicks me off and won't let me retry to finish. My patience has run out for now .
  24. FS-WWI info

    Tried to download FS-WWI Plane Pack all in one at the recommended DBmod site,quite a few times, but all i get are incomplete/broken downloads.Tried different mirror options but i get the same thing. Is there another site/torrent i can download from or can someone mail me a CD/DVD-(i'll pay shipping and handling). Note-i was logged in at DBmod while downloading too. Any help would be appreciated , Thanks.
  25. Awesome work!!!! Thank you!!! Looking to get Canvas Knights beta release. Where can i get it?

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