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Everything posted by sixstrings

  1. Christopher Lee is dead

    Loved him in every movie he was in. Can't say that but for a few. Thanks for all the wonderful years......RIP
  2. Looks fantastic !!! Thanks for all the work !!
  3. Thanks for all the hard work !!!!
  4. FS-WWI info

    Thanks for the information Buddy . Will give it a try.
  5. Political Discussions

    Please include me , thanks
  6. Simply jaw dropping !! Astounding attention to detail !
  7. Il-2+CUP: Lancaster Tour of Duty

    Looking now at getting back into Il-2 '46,after being seriously into CFS3 and had no idea that Il=2 progressed so far ahead of CFS3 and it's different versions,(except OFF maybe). This CUP version looks fantastic and immersive . Can't wait to get CUP installed and working properly , along with all of the Third Wire's series for XP. Like the story !!!
  8. What Other Games Are You Playing?

    Mainly Micro Soft's CFS3 and all it's versions,( 8 installs),OFF2,LocOn and looking to get the whole Third Wire older set . Currently using a XP rig but will be building a new one soon with Win 7.Not interested in anything other than combat flight sims !!
  9. Il-2 '46's new supermod!

    Thanks for all the info. Will do as recommended . Thanks again!
  10. Rise of Flight:Iron Cross Edition

    After much researching i'm sold on this sim with out a doubt,as it has been constantly updated and gets more refined as time goes.That can't be said for other sims out there.Buying more a/c is not a problem when compaired to say FSX for example and it helps keeps this sim going in a small special niche that dosen't have a following as WWII or more modern CFS's. In a age where shooter games reign supreme, good combat flight sims are rare and few. Been into combat flight sims since the begining and am thankful for the good ones out there.Remember,combat flight sims are way overshadowed compared to the first person shooter games being offered now. I'm basicly new to this generation WWI sims,(remember Red Baron 3D), and want to learn as much as i can till this summer ,when i will build my own very high- end Win. 7 gaming rig ,that will rip through any sim out now or in the future. I have and will install OFF1&2 and fixing to get FE1 EP, for my maxed out / upgraded trusty ole' Dell XP rig ,(as much as i could with a XP OS). As a CFS3 nut, (8 different installs),and have the Il-2 series up to '46 ,along with Flaming Cliffs and others .I enjoy the history of WWII a lot. Now i find WWI very interesting, and with WOFF and OFF part 4 coming out along with FE 1&2 and others ,now seems to be a great time for WWI Combat flight sims! Maybe buy the time my rig is built RoF will be even more upgraded/refined i hope. Thanks for the review.
  11. Il-2 '46's new supermod!

    I have all of the Il-2 series up to Il-2 '46 and use them lightly modded,(will change that as i learn more). Also have 7 installs of modded CFS3 in it's various theaters of operation,addons and ect... Been into combat sims since Lucas Art's cfs...a long time! Enjoy both WWII sims ,and am only now just starting to get into modding Il-2 '46, (a steep learning curve with all the patches , addons and such). After reading this thread i'm more confused than ever! All the acronyms ! I don't know what they stand for and is like code talk to me. Rediscovering Il-2, after being away a while due to health reasons, has me enjoying this sim all over again. Where can i find what all these acronyms mean ? Very interested in the WWI sim version of Il-2 also with the FE expansion version. Have OFF 1&2 but only now can i install them as i've upgaded and maxed out my trusty Dell XP rig. Should i wait till i have built my own Windows 7 64 bit high- end gaming rig to consider this addon later this summer when the new rig is built ? Looks amazing but seems preety complicated to install compared to OFF or FE and the addons for them. Any advise is welcomed. I have time to learn till then, but looking hard at RoF,OFF3 and soon to come OFF4 for my new rig. As far as jet a/c go the Stike fighter series looks great an i enjoy Flaming cliffs and the old falcon sim i still have. But this mega addon looks very promising.Thanks again for any advice.
  12. I'm totally new to WW1 sims and after reading all the posts on this i'm more confused than ever!! For my experiance has been with CFS-1 thru 3 and all the mods,aircraft,missions,theaters of operation and much more availible,along with Il-2 series up to 1946. Along with several jet fighter sims has kept me away from the WW1 sims. What would be a (FUN) WW1 sim that is also accurate and offers the ability to be modded with missions ,good AI's,aircraft and decent graphics that my ole' trusty XP rig can handle. I know that leaves out FE-2 and OFF3 , but that will fixed when i build my new Windows 7 gamming rig a few months down the road. Is there any beside FE-1 that i can play ie.OFF1 or OFF2, (on my maxed out XP 32bit rig) ? Is there any WW1 sim i'm leaving out or don't know of that i should consider playing ? Really considering FE1 Gold Pack .Is there many mods, aircraft and more availible for it ? That's what i love about CFS3 and Il-2. It's not just WW1 sims that are hurting but all combat flight sims,as shooter games seem to be the latest rage. I'm truly thankful we still have a few choices out there. Also what about Canvas Knights,is it any good ? Thanks for any advice.
  13. The link i gave above is still incorrect , but it will still get you to correct site with the right web address.I don't know why this keeps happening when i post .So heres one last try. http://www.build-gaming-computers.com/
  14. Don't know what happed to my post above,it deleted most of my reply. All i mean to say is for now is please stop bashing CFS3. With all the a/c ,ai,theaters of operation,and tons of missions and mods it a totally different simm.Love the Il2 series too and have all except CoD BoS. I do have OFF part 1 and 2 and will give them a try now and FE sounds great too.Should be about fall when i'll build my new gaming computer,then it will handle any combat flight simm at max settings.Looks like i'll get all the WWI sims out there as most,if not all,are being upgraded,and improved all the time.Thanks guys for the advice. The site for help in building your own gaming rig was incorrect above,this is it. ; http://www.build-gaming-computers.com/ Hope this helps someone as it can save you a ton of money with better and researched parts that work together.I plan on learning here and elsewhere as most as i can about WWI and the different sims of the time period.
  15. I'm new to this site but been a member of SOH since the begining. Have 6 different installs of CFS3,bothPTO's,MAW,Korea,ETO, Battle of Britian,ECT... Just now getting into WWI sims now that my upgrated XP rig can handle a few of them,hopfuly.I'm looking by this upcoming fall,(when i save enough money), to build a all out gaming rig to handle anything now and in the future for @$1300. Building a PC yourself is easier than i thought ,and save a ton of money,with help online, useing this website : http://www.build-gaming-computers.com/ I have OFF H&H and will give it a try ,also FE sounds interesting. I sure don't like all the nit picing about CFS3 . With all the the aircraft,and tons of mods and upgrating/theaters of operation,AI's ,and accurate flight modeling,and more .It's a great sim(if you likeWWII stuff ,Il2 series included too).I'm so glad we have so much to choose from as the combat sim market has gotten smaller due to the popularity of first person shooter games. I love the WWII sims but also like the jet fighter sims also like LocOn and others. WWI history intrest me also and i plan to learn all i can here and elsewhere,in between the time of buiding my new rig . Thanks for the suggestions i found here.Will end up buying most ,if not all, of the WWI sims any way for they all have good features and some if not most are a work/upgrade in progess. Just can't wait to get my new rig to handle them at max settings!!! Thanks guys for the advice...
  16. Will RoF work with my upgraded Dell PC with XP O.S. Intel Pentium P4 CPU,4 gigs of DDR3 ram,Nvidea GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2gig video card and a seperate sound card ? Will be building a high end gaming computer myself this summer with the best /most current components available , running on Win. 7 64 bit O.S. ,(too many sims out there that i want to get that require Win 7 64 bit to function at all). Should i wait till my new gaming rig is built and get the latest version of RoF or can I run it on my trusty ole' XP PC for the time being without too many issues ? Read the requirements at RoF's website and it listed both Win. XP and Win.7 as compatible . Also listed 4+ gigs of ram. The ram requirement has me worried as my PC has only 4 gigs of ram,(maximum for Win. XP O.S.),Thanks for any advise or help with this question.
  17. Will RoF's most recent release work with XP?

    Thanks for the advice. Will give it a try
  18. Just dropping in to say hi .I've been away from sims. for around 5 years Due to health problems ,but now i'm back!!! I've been reserching lately for new combat flight simulators and found a few really good ones out there .I still have the discs for OFF 1 AND 2,(they were a little bugy to me). Read the reveiws of WOFF and was impressed. I'm now saving for a new, self built , high-end gaming computer ,with quality components , using this really good guide at, http://www.build-gaming-computers.com/ , the one i'm looking at is around $1396 plus the cost of Win.7 64 bit OS. Building this rig only for Combat Flight Simulators like CFS3 with all the newest versions and addons, WOFF, RoF, Flaming Cliffs 3,Third Wire Productions series and whatever else comes down the pike.WOFF has me stoked !!!!! Can't wait to build this PC and experiance real simulation with WOFF(late summer i hope) Have all the IL2 series,several CFS3 installs,Strike Fighters and more. will check in ,from time to time,to learn more about WOFF. Take care
  19. Long time CFS user but new to WOFF

    Don't know what happend to the link i posted so here it is again http://www.build-gaming-computers.com/ you can save a lot of money building your own gaming machine and be up to date for many years. Hope this helps someone looking to do a self-build for the first time

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