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Posts posted by sixstrings

  1. Thanks guys for the help getting started. I run a 5 year old mid-range gaming computer. Does fine with IL-2 1946 BAT , and (11) installs of CFS3. Old sims to be sure, but they have aged well and continuously improved over the years. Love the change in flying Jets in more modern combat than and heard this was a good one. Plan on updating my video card and adding more ram to handle SF2 at highest settings and run smooth. Been playing and modding CFS3 for 20 years now so i know how to get in the nitty gritty of modding files and following instructions. Controls seem easy to remember what to use in the heat of the fight. The aircraft looks great,(scenery a little dated) ,and looks immersive. The only ones i'm missing is the Atlantic and FE2. They will be my next. The SF series were given to me by a friend in France that i know from my Facebook Group called "Combat Flight Simulator 3 Fans",and SOH. Have another facebook group called "Air Combat Patrol" that covers ALL pc air combat sims,digital art and all forms of combat aircraft art. Please check them out ,if interested join and post videos,and your best screenshots and get the word out. Was into aircraft model building for many,many years till i discovered SWOTLin the 90's and was hooked for life. I'm also a member at sim-outhouse and SAS1946 for many years and love to participate in their forums. This is my new favorite place. Much to learn ,and i'm sure to have plenty of questions in the future. I have a couple of months to learn as much as i can and this seems to The Place to go to for all things SF2 . Seems about as active as SOH, a few diehard fans, but that's us ,lovers of Good combat flight sims, not just eye candy,which is what most new air combat sims seem to only have to offer. Not much to choose from these days ,vintage or more modern air combat Simulators,not just "games". Played Falcon 4.0 for years and it was as hard as they come ,so this is a nice change for modern warfare at a enjoyable pace. Thanks for the advise and i'm sure you all will be hearing from me more. Sorry for rattling on, but excited ! Can't wait to play and showing off some screenshots in my fb group and spread the word. Kind Regards,Scott

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  2. Been at air combat simulators for around 25 years. Most all concerning WW i and WW II aircraft. My few good air combat simulators are IL-2 1946 BAT ,Combat Flight Simulator 3-(11 installs), RoF, WOFF,First Eagles Gold, and now Strike fighters 2. A late comer but at it now ! I Worked on weapon guidance systems on the F-14 Tomcat in the US Navy but always loved the older aircraft. I wanted to try something different ,but there is not a lot to choose from when you have a mid level gaming rig. This seems the ticket ! My video card is outdated and needs needs a upgrade to play SF2 ,(  WOFF and,RoF also), at max settings. Plan on getting a new video card in March-(fixed income) and do some serious playing then. For now i want to learn as much as i can in the meantime. Got the keyboard commands but haven't experienced the game play yet. Where do i start to get my head around it all ? Use Win 10. Is there any tricks/walkarounds i need to do to get it to run smoothly ? Where do i start reading to get up to par with adding aircraft and new/improved features to SF 2 ? A good friend gave me the whole series along with First Eagles Gold to see if i like them. Sorry to say my rig can barely handle them. Time to learn before i get started. Would be grateful  for any help. Regards, Scott

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  3. Just got into the SF2 series and like it for a jet sim.Still mainly into WWII air combat sims (some pretty old ) but the market is thin. Got into SF2 as something different and really like that it can be modded. Some of my favorite air combat sims were a trick just to get them running with win 10. Will keep them on win10 os and get another pc for win 11 if need be.  Regards,Scott

  4. Great to be here and just getting started in Strike Fighters 2 ! Only into moddable air combat sims , and this fills the bill. Not perfect,but what is ? Always been into WWI and mostly WWII era aircraft .Started with CFS1 and still big into CFS3 ,also IL-2 1946. Wanted to get into jets as something different but not too complicated like Falcon 4.0 BMS ,but also not arcade like either.Once i get use to to flying and surviving stage ,then i can maybe start adding mods .That is one of the fun things too. Have 11 installs of CFS3 ,2 IL-2 '46 ,FS-WWI ,EAW, FEG and now the SF2 series. Really liking this sim and only wish i pulled the trigger long ago when it first came out. Better late than never ! Regards , Scott

    • Like 11

  5. Just getting into RoF and find it very interesting. Been into CFS3 and Il-2 1946 for a long time and wanted a break. Find RoF a good combat flight simulator and challenging to boot. Now to get more aircraft as they are on sale now. Thanks for sharing as it really got me to try it out. Learning all i can about this era. Not that expensive when aircraft go on sale and find it totally immersive . Thanks again !! Regards,Scott

  6. Have 9 installs of CFS3 and my favorite version is the CFS3-BoB. Enjoy MAW also and work is being done to expand it to 1943 very soon. Don't play online but may give it a try. Enjoy Il-2 '46 and have several installs of it too as they are the best at what they offer for a diehard combat flight simmer . There has been a resurgence of interest in MAW at SOH. The best way to download it is the all in one link.     http://www.mrjmaint.com/CFS3/

  7. Now into Il-2 '46 BAT. With over 500 aircraft from every era it covers it all pretty well. From the WWI aircraft to modern jets with tons of maps ,object and more. For more info check SAS website .Best of all it's free. How cool is that ? Very easy to install just make sure you read the manual before you install .here's the site  http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php

  8. My first pc game was Doom and still love it.Have a lot of combat flight sims but CFS3-(9 installs) and Il-2 '46-(3 installs) i play the most,  plus have tons of backups on a external ssd. Backups are necessary when modding sims. Tons of dvd's too (call it backups of backups ) . :crazy::deadhorse:

  9. B.A.T. has been released for Il-2 '46 . Think of it as CUP on steroids, bigger and better and far easier to install and update.Took me about 30-40 minutes to install completely . Downloaded took some time as it is HUGE in size but worth it. Every era of flight is covered with over 500 aircraft,tons of objects , maps and so much more and all for FREE.How neat is that ? Been testing it out and all i can say is wow!! Awesome super-mod !Thanks Hanger 19 Team. To find out more and get download links visit       http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php    Hope this helps, Scott

  10. B.A.T. is now available for Il-2 '46. Replaces CUP and is very easy to install and update. Downloads are big and the sim is big. Every era is covered with over 500 aircraft tons of objects,maps and more. Took longer to defrag than to install. Down loads took several hours(lost count). To find out more about BAT and download links can be found here       http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php    All for free to boot!! Great job Hanger 19 Team !!!   Hope this helps. Regards,Scott

  11. Really enjoy this site. For the most part friendly people and layed back discussions . Try and stay away from the polarizing threads in the political forum and wish we didn't have that here.

  12. Sticking to just a few has its benefits . Have trouble remembering all the key functions of all the sims i have. Limited in time also. Just enough time to get some single quick missions in a few sims. Very interested in WWII so my options are limited. CFS3 and Il-2 '46 are my go to sims in their modified form. I have too many to chose from but i keep going back to the WWII era. Just getting into WWI now after a long time away. Just reinstalled OFF BHaH and like it a lot.Can't wait to get WOFF-UE and the new WWII sim by the same team later this year, Oh what joy !!

  13. What are your favorite combat flight sims ? Mine are CFS3-(9 installs),Il-2 '46-(2 installs), RoF,Flaming Cliffs2,Falcon 4.0 BMS and Free Falcon 6 round off the top played. Have many others but these i play the most. Just for fun thread .

  14. Sticking with Win 7 64 bit to the end and then some. Everything i have runs flawless and with really good frame rates. Many combat flight sim installs with absolutely no problems as long as instructions are followed for installation of sims. Run CFS3,(9 installs),Il-2 '46,(2 installs), Flaming Cliffs2,Falcon 4.0 BMS,Free Falcon 6. WOFF and ROF. Looking to get the SF2 series and will never change to Win 10 for these sims are most important to me.Wish they would had just improved XP instead of a completely different OS.


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