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Everything posted by arf16

  1. Great job! Is this squadron based out of Andrews AFB?
  2. Has anyone tried to use Autodesk Inventor for moddling aircraft? I think it should work since it is from the same company as 3dsm.
  3. This is somethingI threw together in inventor. If someone has more information about the Little Boy, or would like to finish this in 3ds, let me know.
  4. One down and a tough one next.

    [sigh] That was a very sad game for us here in DC
  5. Buildings are a piece of cake. Is there something you had in mind? If a lod is a file for 3dsm, yes iirc. BTW, I graduate in June, so I'm not sure how mush longer i will have access to this.
  6. I'm working with inventor right now in school, and I think I'm getting pretty adept at it. I'll try modeling something for the game in it, but I'd have to hand it off to one of the 3dsm gurus since you can't assign animations in it like you can in 3ds. Inventor is better for engineering design and drafting, I've been told its more accurate than 3ds in some areas (I've never used it).
  7. I read the tutorial and I was wondering how do you know if the aircraft's developer gave an animation to things such as wingfold or canopy?
  8. Once I nuked a factory/airfield in SFP1 in a campaign, and it stayed destroyed the rest of the campaign.
  9. Which game are you talking about? I'm not sure if you can select any other buildings, but if you load out your a/c with a laser designator pod, you can select and kill other ground targets.
  10. F-16 Fighting Falcon, it deserves way more props than it earns because of the ingenuity that went into designing it. Fly-by-wire? Reclined pilot seat? Customizable cockpit? Who'd a thunk it?
  11. 441st Checkers Canadian Air Force

    HEY, do NOT dis Creed!11!1! They r teh pwnage!!1!11! Awesome video though...
  12. If you select the primary target, then order your wingman to "attack my target", he will (try to) attack it. Hope this helps.
  13. Where does it all come from?

    That was the BEST episode besides the one about caffine
  14. Sean Taylor killed

    A sad day for Redskins fans http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...news&sub=AR T_T
  15. Last night it wasn't that bad in Northern VA. 58 degrees right now.
  16. OK, that's all I needed to here. There is usually something new to the series in each TK release, but I just couldn't find it till now. Thanks!
  17. I don't want to come off as very negative, but other than aircraft (can't we download those?), what does this game have to offer that SFP1 doesn't? Just wondering.
  18. Digital Arctic F-16 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5091 Digital Euro F-16 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=4069
  19. The default bomb bay door toggle key is "h"
  20. Go to game play options then set HUD to easy, IIRC
  21. Corny Jokes Thread!

    The Navy and the Air Force decided to have a canoe race on the Potomac river. Both teams practiced hard and long to reach their peak performance before the race. On the big day, the Navy won by a mile. Afterwards, the Air Force team became very discouraged and depressed. The officers of the Air Force team decided that the reason for the crushing defeat had to be found. A "Metrics Team," made up of senior officers was formed to investigate and recommend appropriate action. Their conclusion was that the Navy had 8 seamen rowing and 1 officer steering, while the Air Force had 1 airman rowing and 8 officers and NCOs steering. So the senior officers of the Air Force team hired a consulting company and paid them incredible amounts of money. They advised that too many people were steering the boat and not enough people were rowing. To prevent losing to the Navy again next year, the Air Force Chief of Staff made historic and sweeping changes: the rowing team's organizational structure was totally realigned to 4 steering officers, 3 area steering superintendents and 1 assistant superintendent steering NCO. They also implemented a new performance system that would give the 1 airman rowing the boat greater incentive to work harder. It was called the "Rowing Team Quality Air Force Program," with meetings, dinners, and a three-day pass for the rower. "We must give the rower empowerment and enrichment through this quality program." The next year the Navy won by 2 miles. Humiliated, the Air Force leadership gave a letter of reprimand to the rower for poor performance, initiated a $4 billion program for development of a new joint-service canoe, blamed the loss on a design defect in the paddles and issued leather rowing jackets to the beleagered steering officers in the hopes they would stay for next year's race. Meanwhile, the Army team is still trying to figure out why the oars keep making divots in the grass when they're rowing.
  22. World Series

    I watched Virginia Tech lose to BC in the last 2 minutes I'm glad that the Bo sox won though
  23. Both the media and the military are slanted to one side or the other. Take everything with a grain of salt.

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