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Posts posted by Coot

  1. I enjoyed it too.  I was surprised of who the "real" enemy was in the movie.  Maybe I'm slow or its just I only ever saw one preview of the movie.  BTW I only spent $6 for my ticket. :biggrin:

  2. Sorry folks if this is the wrong place to post this question. I haven't been around for awhile. I gots me a problem accessing my Thirdwire products I've bought. I made copies of my SF2 and SF2V games onto an external hardrive a long time ago. My hard drive is not allowing me to access my games. I get error messages. I even saved my download codes to note pad text documents so I figured I redownload my games from Thirdwire but it will not even allow me to open up the text documents to get my codes.


    Unfortunately I've changed email addresses since I bought the games so I can't have Thirdwire email me my codes. Thirdwire has an option to contact them for help but it gives me an error saying that " cannot perform action because default email client not installed".


    I'm in a pickle here. :blink: Any suggestions? Thanks.

  3. Could Chuck Norris throw a punch so powerful that even Chuck Norris could not withstand it ?


    Chuck Norris can withstand his own punch and its for the sake of others that he does this. The moment that he chooses not to withstand his own punch is when the appocalypse begins.



    p.s. Head shrink questions like these causes Chuck Norris to loose patience. Its a formula for disaster:


    impatience + Chuck Norris = appocalypse now

  4. Chuck Norris can hit you so hard that he can actually alter your DNA. Decades from now your descendants will occasionally clutch their heads and yell "What The Hell was That?"






    Once insulted by an arrogant Italian tour guide, Chuck Norris round-house kicked him to the ground. The tower of Pisa now leans.

  5. False, I wasn't wondering that but I'm certain there are folks around capable of creating such a thing. Would be crazy seeing your wingman dogfighting a pick up truck.


    The person below me loves spending twenty minutes picking beggar lice off of their socks.

  6. US Navy Fighters by EA was my first real combat flight sim I bought myself. Everything about it was beautiful to me. I was so excited to be flying Tomcats and A-7s and Intruders off of carriers out over the ocean. And those great cut scenes! Yep, USNF is one of my babies and certainly nostaligic for me.


    I believe Fighters Anthology has a include patch to allow you to run it on windows XP. That has everthing. (except the campaign cutscenes and such from USNF)


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