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Posts posted by Blackburn32

  1. I converted from SF2 to DCS years ago. I faithfully played SF2 for many years, even when I had Lock On and IL-2 installed (Both in my opinion better games due to being higher fidelity). I know the pure size of the SF2's scenarios and aircraft list is unprecedented, but it's simply just a fun arcade game that isn't personally rewarding to me. DCS has reached a level of realism with stunning visuals that have never been seen before. Heatblurs work on the F-14 is remarkable, I encourage everyone to try DCS. The study-level sim bug will bite you hard and isn't as daunting as one might think. It's very rewarding to fly and fight in a DCS module. b49yycf.jpg

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  2. F-4C + (67) SEA and Gull package.

    This is just a small update to the USAF F-4C family. Inspired by historical footage of F-4C's arriving back to Ubon after Operation Bolo.


    This includes:


    New skin for F-4C + (67) Phantoms: USAF SEA, GULL GREY and SCAT XXVII (Col. Robin Olds Phamous Phantom)
    New textures in cockpit: The Radar and RWR, with some of the dials and textures changed.


    Back up your F-4C + (67) folders in case my skins are not to your taste
    Drop content of this .7z into Objects/Aircraft in you mod folder and allow for any overwrite
    Hopefully you'll enjoy!
    Thanks to:


    Sundowner for the inspiration and awesome templates
    For all members of Combatace! Whom know that the support system is purely awesome.



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