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Everything posted by Eole

  1. CL Portal link (where you can easily find the SFP1/SFP2 download section) http://www.checksix-fr.com/ SF2 Forums link http://www.checksix-forums.com/viewforum.php?f=285&sid=390d31cb45094d0bc4772d36c7ccbd9b
  2. Like Xnview ? http://www.xnview.com/en/
  3. Yes all is very well done, skins decals and screenshots (angle of view, lights, background) I just looked at them and I say to myself "A pleasure for my eyes" Thanks for sharing
  4. I have reach my quota of positive vote for the day so ... My hat off Ace nice work
  5. When I see the above screenshots I better understand what you have in mind when you've said "not only made from bad / wrong drawings" in another thread ...
  6. I'm backing up my stuff, and all I've grabbed here in 10 years, then re-backing all the things in another place using another media (mainly cloud)
  7. Happy New Year 2016 to all of you!

    Bonne année (Happy new year) best wishes for you and yours.
  8. Well done, another jewel to add to my ETO/MTO installations thank you for sharing
  9. Volker and Otto at their top
  10. I've got no warning message from my AVAST 2015 Premium anti-Virus, I got it working when I deactivate it, I add the Mue's program path as an exception and now all is running fine, Ty for the head up.
  11. Mue I was not able to launch LodViewer and TargetAreaEditor in their new versions still capable to do it with the previous ones.
  12. Bridge of Spies

    Very promising ... only one thing wrong I think Garry Powers was not shot down inboard a TR-1 but pretty sure a U-2 or U-2A
  13. I've made a quick search .. but no joy
  14. Russian bombers over Syria

    For the first time since World War II I'm happy to see French and Russian fighting together against a common enemy the Nazis in the past (with Normandie Niemen fighter group for the small French part) and now ISIS ... I hope we will win another time our victims deserve a clear retaliation
  15. a Braver man than me

    Well said .. a special thanks to our British friends for their " magnifique " Marseillaise at Wembley ... we lost the game but we won something more important
  16. Me and Ravenclaw007 need you Thank you in advance
  17. Nice done, thank you for sharing I found a little glitch in these main INI's files : F-4K_75_TMF.INI, F-4K_78_TMF.INI & F-4K_85_TMF.INI there is no statements for the avionics DLL type Easy to fix, you just need to add this line AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll AvionicsDataFilename=F-4K_TMF_75_avionics.ini Optionally you can also add these lines into these two files : F-4K_TMF_DATA.INI & F-4K_75_TMF_DATA.INI CarrierBased=TRUE CarrierParkSpan=9.00 CarrierParkAnimationID=8 to get the park animation set up (Wings fold) for the Royal Navy birds
  18. Work of the art 3D model + skins , thank you Gents and my hat off
  19. @ Capun & DAT

    I asked him to remove my account from the DAT site (I lost my ability to download after the Alizé cockpit affair my bad) , ... 3 weeks later he did it, I feel better now Ave Cesar ..

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