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Everything posted by Eole

  1. 1964 ASW Patrol

    From the album Alizé

    Br.1050 Alizé Early Versions v1.1 New skins + new decals sets
  2. As far I know this is correct File formats supported : BMP, JPG , TGA, DDS And thank you for your tool it saved my time
  3. Credits : 3D Model Veltro2K, FMs BaffMeister, Skin PauloPanz, Decals Nyghtfall, other stuff me
  4. No words

  5. She just look good, when make a test mission I just had a shadow issue
  6. North Atlantic 1978 : PA Foch Sonar contact classified Sierra1 Br.1050 Alizé depth charges attack on Sierra1 last known location Credits : 3D Model Veltro2k , FMs BaffMeister, decals PauloPanz & Nyghtfall , skin me
  7. I've made a quick test nice 3D Model thank you for sharing Did you planned to make the 2 R97 PH's versions ? The initial version without MM38 Launchers + 4 Main Guns The later version with MM38 Launchers (at the location of your Masurca launchers) + The 2 back main guns removed Below my R97 PH folder Thank you in advance R97_PH.7z R97_PH.7z
  8. Special thanks to Paulopanz & Nyghtfall
  9. 1968 PA Foch : somewhere in the deep Blue an Alizé waiting the clearance for take off Credits : Veltro2k 3D model, BaffMeister Fm's
  10. Gulf of Tonkin - 29 July 1967 Forrestal had been launching aircraft from her flight deck. For four days, the planes of Attack Carrier Air Wing 17 flew about 150 missions against targets in North Vietnam from the ship Credits : Skin made by me from Sundowner Templates + Mytai's decals Mk6's ejection seats & Weapons by Ravenclaw_007
  11. Merry X-Mas

    Merry Christmas to you all! In French " Joyeux Noël à vous tous"
  12. To celebrate the recent SF2 outstanding Rafale C & B 's upload , waiting for the M version planned to the beginning of 2015 I just want to share these videos Rafale C Rafale French first woman pilot Petit Prince Rafale M Interesting to see how the US Navy & French Navy ( L'aéronavale) cooperate each day (2'12) I hope you'll like it
  13. Rafale C & M Videos

    Political reasons mainly Korea for example or the price Brazil, the aircraft is combat proven (Libya) and mature. Now we're waiting for the first export bill with India but it will take some times After the first export success other customers will go for the Rafale I hope.
  14. Thanks for your reply now I must grab the money to get it
  15. A Little question about the GTX 970 video card if my PC is upgraded with a 550W power supply could it handle it ?
  16. I found this http://twovoyagers.com/blinkynet.net/wwii/verne.html
  17. Ingress USAF & Navy Escorts engaging incoming Mig Job done, Egressing
  18. Credits : VF-151 F-4B skin made from Sundowner templates decals by MYTAI01 work to fit the decals with the skin me (WIP)
  19. It can't be download here but purchase : It's a Yankee Air Pirate Model that's come with the YAP3 Expansion Set 8 I've made a quick conversion to get it working with SF2

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