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Everything posted by 331Killerbee

  1. It wasn't Me.....

    But I would have done the same thing... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31951883/ns/us...life/?GT1=43001 331KillerBee
  2. one small step for a man

    What Bad TV Coverage......They cheated You out of the best Part. It's when Armstrong said "One small Step for Man.....". Damn Gepard, That's a shame....It's on all the "Official NASA Recordings and Films". Even at the National Archive in Washington D.C.. How did German TV miss something as important as that? You must feel cheated out of something to make such a big deal about it.......I'd blame the German TV Coverage for droping the Ball on that one.......The rest of the World got it....
  3. Yep, 3DOc32 I've been using for awhile to view .LOD Files. The "Unregistered" Version works fine. The "Registered" Version cost 50 Bucks or 40 Euros. It's not a complicated Program to run and doesn't effect the Files whatsoever. It'll read 547 different 3D File Formats. It'll also read .Tga Textures and .Bmp Files in either 8, 24 , 32 Bit. Sometimes much easier to load in this Program than the Game. But Time-of-Day Lighting and Shadows are not viewed in the Program.
  4. B-52D External Pylon Tests......... 331KillerBee
  5. Canucks on the move...... 331KillerBee
  6. Invisible Mavericks

    I just checked the Pack. All the AGM-65 .LOD's are there. All the Data is OK. Even the TRL's Rack .LOD is there and all are working. That's AGM-65D through AGM-65K. I just loaded them all on a A-10....So, I don't know..
  7. Nah, It doesn't look like it....... 331KillerBee
  8. Had a Bird go down for a Avionics Gripe......... 331KillerBee
  9. It comes as the "Stock" Terrain in SFP1/SFG and SF2......
  10. Happy birthday ezlead !

    Have a happy one and Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  11. Walter Cronkite passes at Age 92

    A Day after Apollo's 40th...... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30988078/ns/en...sion/?GT1=43001 331KillerBee
  12. Flight Test WIP....... 331KillerBee
  13. A Real First For The MARINES

    Maj. Grieves has been in the Marine Corps for 15 Years. Currently, She has more H-3 Flight Time than anyone else in the U.S. Military.......... 331KB
  14. 419 "Moose" Squadron, CAF...... 331KillerBee
  15. Looks Cool Soulfreak......It's an Idea.....
  16. I haven't planned on them. The closest thing I've done is this: "Skoshi Tandem Tiger" 522nd Tactical Fighter Sq. Bien Hoa AB SVN 1968..... 331KillerBee
  17. Tigers 336 Skvadron, Royal Norwegian Air Force.... 331KillerBee
  18. Happy Birthday!

    ........And many more, comrpnt! 331KillerBee
  19. " Tiger Lead, Rolling In"........ 331KillerBee
  20. US Mil project/code names

    Here's some of the DOE ones the List STORM provided mentions of: HERE
  21. Not in the "Stock" Game. But We have Plenty in "Free" Third-Party Add-ons that are of Quality here to download to fill all Your AMRAAM Needs........

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