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Everything posted by 331Killerbee

  1. LOL.....I'm just glad You got it working. 331KillerBee
  2. Diego, FC did one for the T-38. He put it in the "Aircraft" Folder. It's outside the T-38's Folder. It works from there for Me. FC called it "F-5_Destroyed" 331KillerBee
  3. Too many Ale's at the Pub.........
  4. Naw......The Gulf of Tonkin Mission comes stock with WOV and SF2V. It has NV PatrolBoats attacking a U.S. Destroyer. It's a "Stock" Mission that comes with the Game. 331KillerBee
  5. Sundowner (Ant.) calls himself "The Michelangelo of Avation." What do Yall' think of the "Earl Shieb/Macco of StrikeFighters" on that one? 331KillerBee
  6. In the "Properties" of the .Wav File, See if it's 176kbps. I've noticed anything else, It won't read. If it's 32kpbs. It'll need to be converted with a Sound Converter.
  7. It helps. At least for Me. I got them working first try that way. For some unkown reason, It didn't like the "S" in My install. Other people reported the same results as I by doing this. It works. Be sure that the "Effect" itself reflects the same Name. 331KB
  8. FC, It's a Typo in the "Read-Me". It states that it's "F12" when in fact it's "F10" for the Frame Rate Limiter. With the HDR, In the 3d39.dll, You can remove the Anoying Question with a Hex Editor by adding Blank spaces and saving. Where the Programers Name is, I added My own Name so I know it's functioning. 331KillerBee
  9. If the Ground Crew would just hurry up and get Me started........ 331KillerBee
  10. Which reminds Me Ant., I've been running the HDR Bloom Plug-In for awhile. But since You turned Me on the FPS_Limiter 2.0, I run them both with no Problems. I get a steady FPS in the 40's-50's with smoothness. No Spikes. Thanks for turning Me on to it Sundowner. It works great. 331KillerBee
  11. Usually using the "Knowledge Base" will answer such Questions. But since You didn't look. I'll guess I'll give You the Answer with this: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...41168&st=20 331KillerBee
  12. EricJ's and FastCargo's work on the New Super Bug is a more Prime Example. People are going to wonder how come they can't have Decals on their DropTanks and how come they don't have an Afterburner Effect....... Besides, TK has stated He ain't working backwards.........
  13. Since this is aired out, I guess We Modders won't hear from User's of the Old WOX Series " Is it WOX Compatible?" The answer will be "No", The majority of Modders by the looks of this Thread, have moved on and are doing Mods strickly for SF2 Series. So We shouldn't have any Complaints Community, Huh? It makes no sense to work backwards. It's called Progress...........
  14. Hello

    Welcome Aboard.
  15. Sorry zmatt. But by the way You posted above, You make it sound like the Game doesn't support Props. Which it does. But now I understand where You are comming from. The Third-Party Prop Jobs need tweaking. 331KillerBee
  16. We do from the Developer...... It's in the form of a A-1 Skyraider..........StrikeFighters2 Vietnam.
  17. Johh Finn, USN, CMOH

    Yep, All us Ordy Types know who John Finn is... IYAOYAS! The only Avation Ordnanceman to ever win the Award. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_William_Finn 331KillerBee
  18. If anybody wants to do a True Comparison, Find a Copy of SFP1 from 2002 and compare it to SF2. In 7 Years this Sim has held strong and it makes Me look foward to the next 7 as far as development goes. The Line of Titles serves two Purposes for Me. One, It continues My love for Military Avation. Two, This Community has formed itself like a "Cyber IPMS" that I enjoy contributing to. It's fun. Yes, The new Format is hard to get used to at first. But after 7 Years, Change is alittle difficult at first. But is smoothing out. Me being a Modder, I enjoy the New Format for the ease of adding New Mods and Tweaks. It's a breath of freash Air compaired to the Old Format. Most Importantly to Me is the fact that the Developer continued to update and change His Product as Enviroments in Software and hardware have been changing. Still holding true to His Idea of this Product as being a "Lite Sim". I got SF2 in December too. Just a couple of Months ago, I too burned the last of My Installs from the WOX Series to DVD. They now serve as a File Library for anything I need. I run SF2-V-E only now. Waiting on the IE-P-K-A-........You get My Point. I'll Roll with the Changes as StrikeFighters does.......... 331KillerBee
  19. Yep, Those Values work.....Forgive My ScreenShot. I didn't set My Resulotion for it......
  20. Try changing Length Limit on the TER from 2.5m to 3.2m.....See if that works. Wait a Sec.....Mk 83 FE? You mean MK82 FE, right?
  21. If You have the HD Space, I extracted Mine to a File I call "Cat Library". Each .Cat is extracted to a File with it's Label. Example ObjectData.001.Cat....and so on. Then, if I need a File to edit, I just "copy and Paste" the Files needed from the "Cat Library". It also acts as a Reference to which .Cat has what in the New SF2 Format. I also put a -E or -V or -2 to reflect what Title the .Cat belongs to. Example of this is a File I have labeled this way: ObjectCat001-2. Meaning ObjectCat001 from SF2.....and so on.... It's a matter of the User's own orgination. 331KillerBee
  22. Also Parking is defined by Wingspan Length. It's in Meters for "Small" and "Large".....
  23. Oh and BTW, I like this Huey in SF2V........
  24. Yhea, Somebody awhile back told Me that Helo's wouldn't work in SF2....Here's My YAP1 UH-1C in SF2....

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