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Everything posted by 331Killerbee

  1. Reading this thing reminded of this. Each Harrier Unit in the USMC has a HPFOK. What is a HPFOK? Hover Pad Foward Operating Kit. Put together, It's the size of a Tennis Court. For operating Foward with the Grunts. We used it in OPVAL at VX-5 and tested it for full operation. I do remember having a AV-8B with 4 300gal DropTanks full lifting off from the Pad durning one of the Tests. I loaded the Tanks.
  2. The Cool thing about working on Harriers over the Years is that You tend to collect things..... One such Item is what I have in front of Me. It NavAir A1-AV8BB-NFM-000 15 September 2001 with Change 1 August 2004. What it is, Is the Naval Flight Manual for the AV-8B published by NavAir. In Chapter 7...Actually Chapter7 4.2.7 States: Water Injection Limitations. Distilled or demineralized water (per NAVAIR Instruction13780.1) must be used whenever possible.Repeated use of other than distilled or demineralizedwater results in deterioration of engine performance. Water injection is not to be used if OAT is below −5°C. 4.2.8 Engine Bleed Limitations. More than 5 minutes of continuous engine bleed in hover flight is prohibited. Continuous hover flightmust be followed by a cooling period (forwardflight or ground operations) of the same duration. These are the only Limitations to Hovers. Takeoff or Landing. Full Fuel and Full Weapons Load or Not. I don't have a Copy of A1-AV8A/C-NFM. But I'm pretty sure It'll state the same thing. How do I know know they'll do it besides this........ I worked on Harriers 24/7 for 14 Years....... 331KillerBee
  3. Due to the high engine loads experienced during hovering at high ambient temperatures, second stage high pressure turbine stator vanes in the F402-RR-406 can exceed their temperature capability and fail by cracking or melting at the leading edge, followed by failure at the trailing edge. Once cooling air is lost at the airfoil due to failure, cooling air is also lost to downstream components, e.g., low pressure turbine vane, resulting in reduced life. Catastrophic vane failure can also create component failures downstream as fragments pass through low pressure turbine sections. There was also a Problem with the Engine's Bearings. The Problem was traced to close tolerance between the compressor fan blades and the stators (fixed blades). The DECS software at times delivered inappropriate commands. Problems with overheating were traced to the F402's inlet guide vanes, which suffered from contamination of the lubrication system. In the opinion of both the Navy and Rolls-Royce, fixing the clearance and guide-vane shortcomings would require "a major redesign". Keep in mind that when the P.1127 came out in 1959, It only had 13000 Pounds of Thrust. 70 Versions of the Pegasus Engine have been Produced since. The TAV-8B Harrier II Plus built in 1990 produced a Thrust of 23,800 lbs.
  4. Rolls Royce Pegasus F402-RR-406 21500 Pounds of Thrust. F402-RR-408 23400 Pounds of Thrust.
  5. I'll load some First and Second Generation Harrier this Evening in SF2E and report back My finding.........
  6. Sorry EJ, this reminds Me of a PM I just saw last Night that I wanted to respond to this Morning, But this Thread will take care of it. For Drop Tanks to have Skins controlled by the Aircraft's Skin Folder, The Model must have a "Node" that is a Drop Tank assigned to it in 3dMax. All of ThirdsWires new Aircraft Models in the SF2 Series has this done to it. The Drop Tanks are controlled by the "Wet" Entry of the Aircraft's Data.ini. Once this is done, The DT in the Weapons Folder acts as Default as far as the Skin Goes. But Skin specific Tank Skins can be added to the Aircraft's Skin Folder. Also, Since the new Format has a "Node" for the Tank, Up to 4 Decals can be assigned to it too. In order to take Advantage of the New Features of SF2 as far as Models are concerned, 2 Types of "Nodes" would have to be created. One for the "Burner Can Effect", another for the "Drop Tanks" added to Model Meshes in 3dMax. First Generation Models that haven't had a "Node" assigned, Still can use the First Generation Method of assigning Drop Tanks in the Weapons Folder with the Weapons Editor and Hex Editting. Please refer to the "Knowledge Base" for information on that Process.
  7. First Generation and Second Generation Harriers can VTO in "Real Life" with a Full Combat Load. It's just not Normally done for the Reason it takes up so much Water. The RR 402 Engine uses Water Injection it increase Compression Combustion. The Harrier's On-board Water Tank is just so Big. Hovering with Large Loads requires more Water, Let alone, Hovering "Slick". But it's done. I can recall many of Times that I've personally have seen it done. Either in OPVAL. Aboard Ship. At Lyman Road at Camp Lejune, NC. And at MAF Bouge Field, NC.
  8. Cool News Mike. Looking foward to them.
  9. Check Your PM Malibu43......
  10. Also these can be changed from "Stock" and Saved..... [GunData001] TypeName=57MM_S68 FullName=57mm S-68 Cannon Caliber=57.000000 ROF=120.000000 MuzzleVel=1000.000000 AmmoWt=2.850000 AmmoStoreWt=8.692499 WarheadWt=0.154000 Reliability=93.000000 Accuracy=62.000000 AddLight=TRUE MaxLightRange=1200.000000 FireColor=0.500000,0.450000,0.320000 GunFireEffect=37mmFireEffect <<<<< Gun Firing Effect GunFireSound=AAA <<<<<< Gun Firing Sound EffectClassName=37mmEffects EffectTime=0.100000 TracerTexture=Tracer2.tga <<<<< Can use a Different Texture TracerSize=0.200000 TracerDistFactor=0.002000 TracerLength=0.018000 MaxVisibleDist=4000.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=1000.000000 TimeFuzed=TRUE
  11. So if You were changing the "Stock" 57mm S-68 Cannon, You'd be making a Folder in the "Guns" Folder called "57mm_S68" and have a 57mm_S68_Data.INI and 57mm_S68.INI in it. The Data.ini would look like this: [GunData001] TypeName=57MM_S68 FullName=57mm S-68 Cannon Caliber=57.000000 ROF=120.000000 MuzzleVel=1000.000000 AmmoWt=2.850000 AmmoStoreWt=8.692499 WarheadWt=0.154000 Reliability=93.000000 Accuracy=62.000000 AddLight=TRUE MaxLightRange=1200.000000 FireColor=0.500000,0.450000,0.320000 GunFireEffect=37mmFireEffect GunFireSound=AAA EffectClassName=37mmEffects EffectTime=0.100000 TracerTexture=Tracer2.tga TracerSize=0.200000 TracerDistFactor=0.002000 TracerLength=0.018000 MaxVisibleDist=4000.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=1000.000000 TimeFuzed=TRUE [37mmEffects] TracerEmitterName=TracerSmokeEmitter GroundHitEffectName=37mmGroundHitEffect GroundHitSoundName=DirtHit WaterHitEffectName=CannonWaterHitEffect WaterHitSoundName= ObjectHitEffectName=37mmObjectHitEffect ObjectHitSoundName=ObjectHit ArmorHitEffectName=37mmObjectHitEffect ArmorHitSoundName= AirBurstEffectName=FlakEffect AirBurstSoundName=SmallExplosion Now this is the "Stock" Entries Above. You can change the EffectClass to something like this: (An Example) [57mmEffects] TracerEmitterName=TracerSmokeEmitter2 GroundHitEffectName=57mmGroundHitEffect GroundHitSoundName=DirtHit3.Wav WaterHitEffectName=57mmCannonWaterHitEffect WaterHitSoundName=57mmWaterHit.Wav ObjectHitEffectName=57mmObjectHitEffect ObjectHitSoundName=ObjectHit2.Wav ArmorHitEffectName=57mmObjectHitEffect ArmorHitSoundName=57mmArmorHit.Wav AirBurstEffectName=FlakEffect3 AirBurstSoundName=SmallExplosion3 Just be sure the Effects are Named and all .Tga's are in the "Effects" Folder that pertain to the Effects. Sounds in the "Sounds" Folder.....
  12. Here's an Example of a Gun Effect I just did. It took all of 5 Minutes to get working Just now. Even though it's Third-Party Gun, A changed "Stock" Gun would be handled in the same fashion. [GunData001] TypeName=M-5_Grenade FullName=40MM M75 Grenade Launcher Caliber=40.000000 ROF=100.000000 MuzzleVel=650.000000 AmmoWt=0.500000 WarheadWt=0.500000 Reliability=95.000000 Accuracy=58.000000 AddLight=TRUE MaxLightRange=1200.000000 FireColor=0.500000,0.450000,0.320000 GunFireEffect=LmgFireEffect GunFireSound=Mortar EffectClassName=40MMGrenadeEffects EffectTime=0.100000 TracerTexture=Tracer.tga TracerSize=0.100000 TracerDistFactor=0.002000 TracerLength=0.100000 MaxVisibleDist=4000.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=1000.000000 TimeFuzed=TRUE [40MMGrenadeEffects] TracerEmitterName=TracerSmokeEmitter GroundHitEffectName=40MMGrenadeExplosionEffect GroundHitSoundName=SmallExplosion.wav WaterHitEffectName=40MMGrenadeExplosionEffect WaterHitSoundName= ObjectHitEffectName=40MMGrenadeExplosionEffect ObjectHitSoundName=SmallExplosion.wav ArmorHitEffectName=40MMGrenadeExplosionEffect ArmorHitSoundName=SmallExplosion.wav AirBurstEffectName=FlakEffect AirBurstSoundName=SmallExplosion.wav I made the "Custom" Effect and it's in the "Effects" Folder.....
  13. For Example, If You were changing the Effect for the 57mm Gun, You'd be making a Copy of the Gun in Your "Guns" Folder with the Edits to the Effects Class at the End of the 57MMGun_Data.INI like above. If You didn't like it or didn't need the Effect anymore, Removing the File from the "Guns" Folder is all that's needed to revert back to the Default. No need to edit the BulletObject.INI.......Same goes for the Weapons and the MissileObject.INI......
  14. "Stock" Weapon Effects Classes are for "Stock" Weapons. If You change a "Stock" Weapon, You'll be making a Copy of it and placing a Folder with all related Files in it, In the Weapons Folder. Then make Your changes to it. The MissileObject.INI and BulletObject.INI being in the Object001.Cat is read By the Game Engine for the "Stock" Weapons and It's Effects Classes after it reads the "Weapons Folder" for any Weapons that are 3rd-Party or Changes to "Stock" Weapons. The Object001.Cat being "Default" for the Game's Core. TK stated that there was no reason to mess with the MissileObject.INI or BulletObject.INI any more. All Weapon Edits are handled within the Weapons or Guns Folders.
  15. The MissileObject.INi and BulletObject.INI work for just the "Stock" Effect Classes. There's no need to Edit them anymore. Any Edits sometimes doesn't work . Any "Custom" Effect class would have to be added to each Weapon/Gun as above and the Effects added to the "Effects" Folder. They work 100% of the time done this way and Makes the Weapons "Plug and Play" between the different Titles as long as One has the Effects in the proper place. Yes, This Format also works for Gun Effects that were controlled by the BulletObject.INI before. The only Problem with this way of handling Weapons comes from Pods and Dispencers that use Sub-Munitions. You have to install the Rocket or Sub-Munition first before the Pod or Dispencer. If One fails to install or has a missing Sub-Munition, You'll get a Windows Warning stating there's a Problem with the MissileObject.Dll. If one get this Message, Installing the proper Sub-Munition solves the Problem every time.
  16. Sparta and Eels Master Forum........
  17. That's Cool to hear! Here's a "Bee-Line" Rule of Thumb: A F-4B is a F-4N.... A F-4J is a F-4S.... Early RF-4B is a Late one with RHAW.... Question: Will the F-4C/D Package superceed Your TailCode Decals Version 2 ? If so, that would be cool because I've got the old Package working well in SF2V. Even the Squadronlist.INI needed very little editting. Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  18. FlightData.CAT. In the "Flight" Folder.......
  19. TK has also said that ThirdWire will be releasing their own .CAT Extractor. That will be of some help.
  20. There's 126 Flyables in "Rolling Thunder" SF2V. 51 USAF. 57 USN and 18 USMC. 65 in Linebacker I and 44 in Linebacker II. My tests have shown that TK upped the Flyables for a "Nation" From 0-999.
  21. From "Rolling Thunder" StrikeFighters2Vietnam: [uSMCUnit001] ForceID=1 <<<<<< Force Identification.Is defined as Enemy or Friendly. Not to be confused with Nation ID. UnitID=127 <<<<<< Unit Identification set in the CampaignData.ini. (see below) AircraftType=F-4B Squadron=VMFA115 StartDate=10/1965 DescFile=wovRTStart.txt StartText=wovRTStart2.txt [AirUnit127] <<<<<<< Unit ID. AircraftType=F-4B Squadron=VMFA115 ForceID=1 <<<<<<< Force ID. Nation=USMC StartDate=10/1965 DefaultTexture=USMCGrey1 StartNumber=0 BaseArea=Da Nang Air Base BaseMoveChance=0 RandomChance=100 MaxAircraft=16 StartAircraft=16 MaxPilots=16 StartPilots=16 Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=50 MissionChance[sWEEP]=40 MissionChance[CAP]=0 MissionChance[iNTERCEPT]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT]=80 MissionChance=40 MissionChance[CAS]=90 MissionChance[sEAD]=20 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=50 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=0 MissionChance[RECON]=0 UpgradeType=FIXED Upgrade[01].Date=11/1965 Upgrade[01].Type=F-4B_65 Upgrade[01].Texture=USMCGrey1 Upgrade[02].Date=12/1967 Upgrade[02].Type=F-4B_67 Upgrade[02].Texture=USMCGrey1 Rebase[01].Date=12/1967 Rebase[01].BaseArea=Chu Lai Air Base Nation ID is defined by the Nations .INI in the Flight Folder. X_Nation.INI is in the Terrain. Here's VIETNANSEA_NATIONS.ini for example: [Theater] TheaterName=Southeast Asia Location001=South Vietnam Location001.Nation=South Vietnam <<<<< Never figured this one out. Location002=Thailand Location003=North Vietnam Location004=Cambodia Location005=Laos Location006=China Location007=Burma Location008=Hainan Island Location009=Gulf of Tonkin Location010=South China Sea [LimitedNationList] FriendlyNation001=USAF FriendlyNation002=USN FriendlyNation003=USMC <<<<<<<< This limits Nations involved. Can be added to. FriendlyNation004=SVietnam EnemyNation001=NVietnam Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  22. Keep in Mind, after 1798 Weapons..... I was bound to have a Mistake or two. I'm ironing them out too. Not too many though..."Ordnance Shop 2" will be better. I promise.....
  23. Harrier´s Roadrunner Method?

    Been around the Harrier's most of their Career. The AV-8A's had a CIP......Not a CCIP. A Caculated Impact Point in the HUD. Also it had ILS. But there wasn't any Computer or Radar in the AV-8A's, AV-8C's and VA.1 "Matador's". The only "First Generation" Harriers to have Radars was the GR.3 and the FRS known as the "Sea Harrier". The "Matador" (AV-8S VA.1) got the same Package as the U.S. Marine Corps did in 1971. It's a AV-8A with a Nose Camera and SEAM Boxes installed on the Outboard Pylons to take advantage of the AIM-9L G&C. The USMC Dropped the Nose Cameras in 1974. The AV-8C was a AV-8A with RWR Installed. RWR Blisters were added on the Wing Tips and Stinger Tail for that Mod. The extra Antenna is a addational Powered UHF for clear Comm for CAS Missions. Same Antenna used by the USAF Thunderbirds on their T-38's durning the 70's. I've worked on the AV-8A's, C's, TAV-8A's, GR.1's GR.3's, FRS 2's, AV-8S, AV-8B's and TAV-8B's. I don't doubt there is a System called "Roadrunner" used by the Spanish Navy. It must have been done by the Spanish alone. It's not a System that I'm aquantied with. And I'm sure it's not a System developed by BAE or McDonnell Douglas/Boeing for I would have been trained on it. As far as Datalinking Harriers, It was never done or has been done to My knowledge. Either First Generation or Second. Yes, The AV-8B has a onboard Mission Computer and has true CCIP. And it also received Radar in USMC Harriers in 1992. I've never known of VSTOL Aircraft having Data Linking ever. But the F-35 might change that. Which leads Me to this.......The Cockpit for the Harrier in SF2E is wrong. Only the GR.3 or FRS (FRS 51 also) had Radar Screens in first generation Harriers......The one Moddled in Game is of a GR.1.It never had a Radar nor a Radar Screen in the Cockpit in "Real Life". RWR on the AV-8C's was just a "Light" that lit up on the Canopy Rail. That's all..... 331KillerBee
  24. Use the correct Airfield.INI (Post Patch Oct.08 or SF2) for the Airfield.Lod shown in Your ScreenShot....... Looks like Airfield5.INI......

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