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Everything posted by 331Killerbee

  1. Warthog64, That's because those Terrains were Pre-Patch Oct.08. That Patch added Static Parking to Airfields. More than likely, If You'll look at that Terrains' Airfield.INI's (Example Desert_Airfield1.ini.....) It's Static Parking is set up wrongly or is not set up like the "Stock" ones in the .CAT.....Use the .CAT Extractor to extract one of those .INI Files with the ones that came With the Moded Terrain.......If You notice a difference.....I'd go with the information that came out of the .CAT......hint,hint. Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  2. Vista SF2

    Jomni, If You are running Vista, Mind giving TopcatII a hand?
  3. Vista SF2

    TopcatII, What other Terrain are You putting in ? May I ask?
  4. Cool part about this is that it helps retain Custom Mainscreens and such that are dedicated to a certian Mod like DS Mod or OTC and the likes....... Another Thing.......Vista and XP come with a .INI Converter called....."NotePad". Open the old (ANSI or ASCII) .INI with NotePad and "Save As" and at the bottom, Under Encoding Type Dropdown, Click on UniCode and "Save as". It'll ask if You want to Overwrite or Replace, Click "Yes". Will help in speeding up Loads.....Also helps in converting old GunData's back and forth for the "Merge" Button on the Old Gun Editor. Till TK makes the new Gun Editor for SF2. SF2 is done in Unicode, It'll read ANSI just fine......It'll read backward. SF1/WOV/WOE/WOI/FE is done in ANSI (or ASCII) and can not read Unicode.
  5. Vista SF2

    topcatII, Check the Pfunk Thread I've posted here. It should help more. It reviews the Install in Vista.....
  6. Vista SF2

    For more Info on SF2 Installs, I refer You to this in the KB: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=36191
  7. For futher Information on SF2 Install...I refer You to this in the KB: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=36191
  8. NCAA Tourney

    Boilermakers make it to the Sweet Sixteen! Hell, My Vols didn't make it past the first round....
  9. Vista SF2

    1) Be sure the (TerrainName)_Data.ini doesn't call out the .CAT being in another location. 2) Be sure You've got it in a Folder labled "Terrains" in this Path for Vista. UserName/Saved Games/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2 Folder. 3) Be sure to have a Copy of the .CAT in that Folder or Have the File Path called out in (Terain_Name)_Data.ini to C:/Programs/Strikefighters2/Terrains/Desert.Cat.......That's Your "Core". That should do it. Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  10. So You want multiple Installs of StrikeFighters2 OK, Pay attention..... Look at the File Paths, It'll play an important Part. This is XP, But plug in...UserName/Saved Games/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2...For Vista Users...And You'll get the point. You'll want to call out File Path in the Options.INI like down below.... [Pilot] LastName=Pilot FirstName=Ace Callsign=Phantom Service=USAF [Options] Section=3 [GameplayOptions] MissionStart=2 CockpitView=0 DisplayUnit=0 EnemySkill=1 Simulation=1 FlightModel=1 WeaponEffectiveness=1 Avionics=1 Targeting=1 HUDDisplay=1 Landing=1 Collision=1 Blackout=1 AmmoUsage=1 FuelUsage=1 [GraphicsOptions] DisplayDeviceID=0 DisplayWidth=1024 DisplayHeight=768 DisplayDepth=32 AspectRatio=1.777778 AntiAliasing=0 LensFlare=0 DetailLevel=4 ObjectDetail=2 ObjectTexture=3 CockpitTexture=3 CockpitMirrors=1 CockpitReflection=0 EffectsDetail=2 TerrainDetail=2 TerrainTexture=2 HorizonDistance=2 GroundObjectDensity=3 WaterDetail=2 CloudsDetail=2 Shadow=3 UseAdvancedShaders=0 [soundOptions] SoundVolume=100 SpeechVolume=100 MusicVolume=75 NumChannels=16 ReverseStereo=0 SpeechSubtitles=1 [ControlOptions] ControlMap=Killerbee's.INI Sensitivity=75 DeadZone=20 ForceFeedback=1 TrackIR=1 [MultiplayerOptions] LobbyLaunched=FALSE [MiscOptions] HUDDisplay=1 ForceAIPilot=FALSE DisplayUnit=0 [instantAction] AircraftType=F-4E MissionMap=DESERT StartTime=16:30:00 StartDate=09/18/1968 StartTimeDeviation=120 TextureSet=0 NationalMarking=0 SquadronMarking=0 AircraftNumber=0 KillMarking=0 [singleMission] AircraftType=F-4B_65 Service=USAF MissionMap=CUBA MissionType=STRIKE MissionTime=NOON MissionWeather=CLEAR AirActivity=RANDOM AirDefenseActivity=RANDOM LoadMission=FALSE LoadMissionFilename=C:\STrikeFighters2\A-4F_ALPHASTRIKE!.MSN MissionYear=1968 StartYear=0 EndYear=0 [Campaign] CampaignName=Jay Test PlayerService=USMC PlayerUnit=VMA-121 Green Knights Difficulty=NORMAL Length=NORMAL AircraftSupply=NORMAL WeaponSupply=NORMAL LoadCampaign=FALSE CampaignSavename= [Multiplayer] Connection=0 PlayerColor=0 SessionType=0 GameType=0 Password=MyPassword MaxPlayers=8 IPAddress= [DogfightHost] MissionMap=DESERT MissionYear=1968 Loadout=0 StartTime=10:30:00 StartTimeDeviation=240 RespawnTime=60 RespawnDistance=4000.000000 MinHeight=5000.000000 MaxHeight=12000.000000 HeightDeviation=5000.000000 ContrailAlt=7000.000000 ScreenshotsDelay=60 StartYear=0 EndYear=0 WeatherType=SCATTERED [DogfightPlayer] AircraftType=F-4E TextureSet=DefaultTextureSet PlayerService=USAF Squadron=DefaultTextureSet [CoopMission] MissionMap=DESERT MissionYear=1968 ContrailAlt=7000.000000 Service1=USAF Service2=SOVIET Mission1=SWEEP AircraftType1=F-4E AircraftType2=F-4E AircraftType3=MiG-21PFM AircraftType4=MiG-21PFM ScreenshotsDelay=60 StartYear=0 EndYear=0 WeatherType=SCATTERED [Mods] ModsEnabled=TRUE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< To turn it off write "FALSE". Directory=C:\STrikeFighters2 <<<<<<<<<< Change it to the location of the "StrikeFighters2" Custom Folder or location Of the Modded Folder. [Version] BuildDate=Feb 2009 Place it in a "Custom" Folder like down below to reflect the Mod...... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  11. I'll se what I can come up with to script such a thing.....It would sure beat putting in "Comments" by Hand.....
  12. It could read Sub-Folders that have just Options.ini's relvelent to a certian "Set-up" or Mod. It might be a possibility.......Could work for "Stand-Alone" Installs such DS Mod, OTC.....ect.
  13. Gr.Viper, I think You've figure it out. I'd say a little App. that changes different Options.INI's to ones taste..... A quick little DOS App. that changes Uni-Coded Options.INI's....
  14. Just noticed this.....

  15. Kevin, My thoughts exactly when I saw this .........But People learn through Trial and Error. But, They might be able to put together a DOS Application that Installs different Files ala' EAW Terrain. But by the time the Application finishes doing this, I'd already be up and flying........ 331KB
  16. Pony

    That is REAL NICE!
  17. The Person Below Me

    Major False! National Match M-14A1 built in Springfield, Mass. 1959. Glass Beaded........7.62mm (.308), Full Metal Jacket Match Ball. Not to mention My M1911..... All "Ole Corps" Marines laugh at the 5.56 Round...(.223 I get more thump out of a Daisy BB Gun....lol) Pretty Picture tho'.... But My person Below Me still stands...(See above)
  18. Only if you wanted it to control "Single Missions". The way It's set up, The "Campaigns" and "User Made Missions" already do that via .INI's.....Dates, Nations,Squadrons, where when how.....ect. Only if You wanted to control "Single Missions" generated by the Game, would this be helpful......Even then, You can control what Nations Aircraft show up in a TerrainName_Nations.INI in the Terrain Folder..... It's good thinking though......
  19. The Person Below Me

    False. Because I own an M-14....I fill My Souls with .308 Holes..... The person below Me thinks Dick Chaney is a Hero......
  20. I know, I know.....It's going to be one of those "Big Johnson" Tee Shirts or MainScreen or something........ USS BIG JOHNSON......
  21. (In Dodge Commercial Voice)....SSSWWWEEEEEETTTT!!!
  22. Boeing unveils new F-15 Silent Eagle

    Got to agree with Aggie here. Kelly Johnson's Ole' Company failed to deliver when? At least not in My lifetime......
  23. Armor types

    The Game reads..... ArmorType ArmorThickness the Types are: ALUMINUM STEEL TITANIUM GLASS WOOD NONE And if I remember right, the Thickness is in mm's........I think that's what I remember....
  24. Pilot Data

    Well, If the Options.ini trick doesn't work, You might have to start over Making new PilotData.....Sorry, I couldn't be of more help...
  25. Pilot Data

    Other than the PilotData, Does WOE run OK in Vista for You?

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