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Everything posted by 331Killerbee

  1. Did You use the Ordnance Shop or Ordnance Shop II ? The original "Ordnance Shop" came out in 2009. Ordnance Shop II came out in 2010 and is the latest, greatest. ianh755 is right. Are You up to date including Hotfix? Also, Any weapons added to this game must still be saved to the Weapons .Dat via Weapons Editor no matter what the Title is. So the Procedure is this, Add a Weapon. Open the Weapons Editor. Hit the "Save" Button. Close Editor. That's it. JakeGrafton, You stated You Installed the whole "Shop" at once. That's 2000+ Weapons at one time. Well, Here's how it's done......... First, You need a Copy of the SF2 Weapons Editor installed. You can get it at Third Wires Home Site or here at Combatace in the Downloads Section. Open the Editor. Select the Title's Weapon Folder You want to edit. (In your case, SF2NA.) Once opened, You should see a list of Weapons. If You've Put the "Weapons" Folder where it belongs, ie. StrikeFighters2NA>Objects>Weapons. You should see the Weapons from the Ordnance Shop listed also. Now here's the Key........... In the Weapons Editor, Hit the "SAVE" Button then Hit the "CLOSE" Button. NOW! Keep in mind, the Editor will not close right off. It may take as long as 10 or 15 Minutes to Close,(With 2000+ Weapons, It'll take a Second) But let it close on it's own. What the Editor is doing is making a .Dat File out of a WeaponsData.INI that the Editor formulates out of each Weapon Folder in the "Weapons" Folder. By hitting "SAVE" Button on the Editor, The Editor compiles a .Dat File. That .Dat File is what the Game Engine reads in regards to Weapons in Strike Fighters2 Hope any of this helps..... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee.
  2. Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  3. A Couple of Shots.... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  4. No Problem, Those Textures are for MontyCZ's A-6. But I bet the A-6A.INI is calling out for the Stock A-6A Model.(More than Likely) What I did is eliminate all instances of Monty's A-6 and used this File instead: http://combatace.com/files/file/12897-a-6-superpack/ I know it's a little of a hassle, but worth it in the long run.
  5. That tells Me that there are some Conflicts between MontyCZ's A-6 and the Stock A-6. Check the Read-Me of the "MOD" and see which A-6 they used and why.......Usually due to Cockpit use. I prefer the ThirdWire A-6 Myself.
  6. One last thing I forgot, If the Textures read: A-6_1, A-6_2....ect. That's MontyCZ's A-6's. If it goes: A-6_BODY, A-6_NOSE,A-6_TAIL...ect. That's ThirdWire's.
  7. Naming. Be sure the Textures are named 'A-6_NOSE, A-6_BODY.....ect. Usually, When one sees the "Black Jets" it's due to Texture Naming. The game Engine can see the Model, but not the Textures in this Case. Use the Third Wire Naming as an Example on how SF2 reads Textures. Also, Be sure that the Decal.INI and TextureSet.ini are set in Unicode encoding. Also, "Case" (Lower-Upper) makes a difference in Naming.
  8. We've lost another great

    Yes....Truly a Great....
  9. July 16,1957. 725.55mph. ...........
  10. Try this. It's old, but is still useful. 331KB Campaign Notes.zip
  11. HM&S-11 "Double Nuts" is down for maintenance at Chu Lai Air base, RVN...........
  12. HMM-164. The First ever CH-46 Squadron to see Combat......
  13. I just lost My Machine last week due to a Processor Fan going south. Lost the last two Years of stuff. But with a IDE/SATA to USB 2.0 Cable, I got most back and more. I had two IDE hard drives sitting around and decided to look and see what was on them. Well, I got back stuff that I thought I lost going back to 2002. Still lost the two Years though. So Yhea, Back Up- Back Up...........Back Up! 331KillerBee
  14. USS Priceton LPH-5, Dixie Station 1967 Semper FI! 331KillerBee
  15. A-7P New DLC

    Ahh, Artic Kreger 84'..... That's White Latex Paint. And before the Exercise was over, It was Pink because of the Hyd Leaks. Why Latex? Because We could wash it off in a Moments Notice on the Wash Rack. We also did it on the "B" durning OPVAL VX-5 in 85'. 331KillerBee
  16. off map airfields

    You can usem those Bases as "Player Flyable", They Just start You in the Air comming from that Point and you must hit "Escape" before You run off the Map. But it works...... 331KillerBee
  17. off map airfields

    I have Guam, Cubi Point and Tiawan working for the US side in SF2Vietnam. 331KB

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