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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Langsam wird's ganz schön ruhig hier

    Also ich bin immer noch am modden, jedoch mit weniger Zeit wie früher. Was TK da im moment veranstaltet ist für mich total überflüssig. Jetzt fängt er schon an Skins zu verhökern....
  2. some details for JASDF Hercs: http://www15.tok2.com/home/lttom/military-powers_jasdf/usoki/c-130/military-powers_c-130.html http://www.andersen.af.mil/photos/mediagallery.asp?galleryID=3306&?id=-1&page=7&count=24 I think you should rework the camo a bit. The borders on the darker green look not right. And maybe painting the insignias on the texture, not as decal.. But so far a nice paint!
  3. I think we will never have anything like this from the stock game. The costs are too high and TK is focusing more on other things (DLC skins etc.)
  4. Paulo, nice work! But I have a question. Why do you use often Decals for the Insignias & Finflashes (i think here not)? It would look much better, when they are painted on the texture file. For me it looks a bit silly, when there is a clear decal on a a weathered skin. I use decals only when really needet (numbers & nose art)
  5. Jip.... But i totally agree with you, Mirage F.1, where are you????? :blink: And They should spend more time on working on the new terrain engine. The new engine has no advantages for me till now... I´m a bit frustrated of the way Thirdwire goes in the last few month. Next DLC, Decal sets or something like that???
  6. Skin DLC´s???? :blink: :blink: As i 1st read this I thought it was a bad Joke... I won´t get em.
  7. Zurawski is working on a H. Search engine might be your friend.... http://combatace.com/topic/70766-hawg-heaven/page__p__553731#entry553731
  8. Nooooooooo...... Looks like another patch is in the pipe. But the installer looks cool, there should also a install path been addet, where you can change the direction of the mod folders...
  9. EURO 2012

    I hope not! I´m really looking forward to the match.
  10. EURO 2012

    The better team won yesterday. Nice Game to watch, one of the best in the tournament so far.
  11. Dave habe you got also some F-104J Decals??? Still searching for Good references of the japanese Starfighters...
  12. EURO 2012

    We made it!!! Bye bye Greece! It was a great Game & a great Party @ our lokal public viewing Area in Rheine.
  13. NO, cause the lod´s are lockt from Thirdwire. Works only in SF2 with expansion pack 2 (which includes the canberra B.2).
  14. Komoran1 und 2

    Danke Volker!
  15. Uuups I forgot... I have an B.20 nearly ready too... Edit: some teasers:
  16. Already ready (with the right Orange *gg*) Your Orange is a bit too red. only need still do the Skin with the EX RAF wings....
  17. The one isn´t realistic, cause it is not finished. Why don´t you trust me when i say there is no one? :-(
  18. Still got a B.1(6) and a real GAF Canberra to be finished....
  19. A-4 Skyhawk centerline tanks will fit!
  20. I think that has something to do that the A-4mM is from 01/2011! I think that the A-4M has to be updated to work propperly under the latest patch...
  21. Is Stary Getting old?

    He only gets older & older! Happy birthday here too Mate!

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