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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Well there are good ones posted, with that you shoul can make a very good new one in Photoshop or something similar. If you like, i can do a new tga this afternoon...
  2. when the exe runs somewhere the path is written. you can manually change it. best would be, to backup your Mod folders, uninstall all SF2 Games, reinstall, patch and then copy again your mod folders.
  3. Amazing find! Thanky for sharing!
  4. if you have June 2011 Level, you installed the patch wrong. Check if you use the right path for the patch installation. (where the game is installed, not to mods folder)
  5. I think that is not possible with the todays standart of the Game.
  6. Problem mit Mirage Zusatztanks

    Nein. Das geht nicht. Was willst du denn genau machen und vorallem mit welchen Fliegern? es würde reichen wenn du die tu moddende loadout.ini nimmst, und dort dann die Tanks löscht. Dann musst du aber, wenn du wieder mit Tanks fliegen willst, diese immer im Menü auswählen. Oder wenn du ganz ohne Tanks fliegen möchtest, kannst du die in der Data.ini löschen. Dann kannst die aber auch nicht mehr manuell auswählen.
  7. Problem mit Mirage Zusatztanks

    Bei den Mirages von Thirdwire sind sie alle im Model. Nein, die data.ini hat damit nichts zu tun. Da steht nur drin welche Art von Beladung (Bomben, Raketen, Tanks) an welchen Pylon gehangen werden kann. Du brauchst die loadout.ini Darin wird festgelegt, welche Beladung der Flieger bei welcher Mission hat.
  8. Swedish Air Force Show (Pictures)

    Cool pix, thanks for sharing!
  9. use jpg instead of bmp! Saves a lot of space and the performance in game is much better.
  10. I´ve noticed, that at Keflavik AFB different type of aircrafts appear as parked. how does that work? Is that a little improvement? Or does it work like @ Nellis with some "fake" airfields?
  11. But for example Navy Cats & USAF Rhinos i saw... & of course some transports (Dakotas)
  12. Really cool stuff Monty! Btw. what about a Arado AR.96 for that mod? http://wp.scn.ru/en/ww2/o/218/2/0
  13. Royal Navy and Royal Airforce

    all out of service.
  14. Looks pretty nice so far! Will be great for most terrains we have....
  15. Which (Non-Sims) are you playing?

    Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam
  16. we are nearly done with a full release. I started to work on different skins. It will be ready in 2 weeks. So you haven´t got to work on it! You should better work on your Canberra & Hawk, I think!
  17. Yes you can. But only earlyer versions (without tip tanks includet in the 3d Model). Try the Nato Fighters 4+ Add on for SF2. There are some F-104´s inclusive.

    Nice one!
  19. Already wip by Florian & me! The 3d model was upped without permission of the original creator (Mario Noriega)! Florian and I contakted Mario and got the permission to use it. He wasn´t amused that his model went through the web. We are just working on the Bump mapping and the cockpit etc.
  20. No, cause they are all build in the 3d model @ the flyable aircrafts.
  21. Well i did some Turkish F-5B skins... Greek are also planned...
  22. One general Question for the Vipers: Why are the Warning signs and stencils under the canopy made as decals? I think that looks a bit ugly from far away. Has it something to do with the mapping of that area? BTW, Great work on all the Vipers!!!!

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