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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. I think you have missed some downloads. Cause most of that listed aircrafts above are 3rd partie ones. Or you haven´t extracted a needet rar file. I don´t know if the Vietnam Gold add on is an all inclusive install.
  2. Deleting FlightData.ini from your mod folder! Brains awnser is self explaining (I think).
  3. Thank you Kevin! Will start some high rez ones!
  4. ED, let me know if i can help with skinning. ;-) BTW, will you implement bump mapping?
  5. Really looking forward to it Russ!
  6. I see it the same way. But maybe our terrain gurus can find out and implement these advantages.
  7. For Stary.

    Guys, search for: Media Markt opening Poland
  8. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Die lods sind alle in einer cat Datei. seit einigen Patches ist die cat gelockt, so dass ein rankommen an "neuere" lods unmöglich ist.
  9. TK`s Yak-38

    EDIT: I´m pretty sure that the thing was discussed before. If I´m right Wrench had a great Idea which cockpit fits best.
  10. Can someone please direct me how I can make the animations from the stock aircrafts (Canopys, Folding wings etc) make useable? And where can i see what is animated in the aircraft? Maybe stupid questions, but I can only do basic ini editing. And yes I have looked in the knowledgebase! ;-)
  11. OK, will start doing EA-6B Temps!
  12. 2 weeks and 1 Day Ed? BTW, looks pretty nice so far!!!!
  13. Sure, it was only a little Joke Pete!
  14. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Wasn das für nen Gebäude? Und hassu da noch mehr von?
  15. Well i have made some experiences too. While i was playin around with Pasko´s F-106. I wanted to change the bmp settings in the lods to jpg, but somehow it didn´t work. So i did my new skins only for testing in jpg format. And what should i say? It worked! And the older bmp textures are still working too. Not sure if it works with every texture of any ac. That saves a lot of space!!!
  16. Ähm, it should be very easy, when you use the Thirdwire Mission Editor. Just add more ground unitz in the Target area.... EDIT: without the Thirdwire Mission editor it is not as simple. You should get the Mission Editor, then it are only a few clicks... https://store.thirdwire.com/store_dlc.htm 9,99$
  17. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Schaut schon sehr nett aus Michael!

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