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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. U.S. Navy is heading out for a attack
  2. Thank you, now i can start my bump mapping!
  3. Looks like a YAP carrier... If so, the aircrafts are part of the 3d model...
  4. Making EA-6B, A-6E & E-2C flyable & high rez skins.
  5. Great one. But M key shows no map (black) and when i assign my keys and joystick controls, somehow the game is setting some back. Anyone else having that trouble with the controls?
  6. Don't want to miss this....

    Happy B-day Sony!
  7. The temps are still around somewhere (bunyaps side?), the skins is easy to do...
  8. The tip is really needet for some of our members!
  9. MiG-23 ML Nummern

    on my to do list. Look from Numbers 300 downwards.
  10. MiG-23 ML Nummern

    Hier sind alle Nummern der LSK aufgelistet: http://www.flugzeugforum.de/forum/showthread.php?40338-LSK-Kennungen Hab auch ein Template für LSK Nummern
  11. Diego released them @ C5 years ago (long before original SF1 Malvinas Mod). They were great, but somehow they are no more around.. :-(
  12. Is it the one from the SF2 Falklands mod?
  13. I´m planning to rework the Dart for the latest SF2 level.
  14. Gannet aew-3

    ups, sorry Ed! I know you are still upgrading your mapping skills and you are making good progress... Wasn´t ment personal. Just said how it is. The best Model is nothing without a good skin, and the best Skin is nothing without an "great" model. ;-)
  15. Gannet aew-3

    If a Model is mapped accurate, it will be an real eye catcher with Bump mapping. Experimented the last weeks with rivets etc. made good progress. A lot of work for the skinner, but it´s worth when everything is accurate...
  16. I know that Diego did the original Argi A-4s. But I don´t know what´s with the lods... Maybe from SF1???
  17. Pete, the Argentinian C Scooters had the outer pylons too. Maybe there is a mod around with the pylons added...
  18. Old Topic, but Veltro got an Alize in work!
  19. Gannet aew-3

    Ed, you are an animal! The Alize looks pretty nice!!! here is something (maybe) usefull for the Alize. http://foto-transporta.ru/main.php?g2_itemId=47929
  20. del2

    something maybe helpful for the HS.748 Cargo & Passenger Version
  21. Spottersday2012 beim JG71 "R"

    Hallo meine deutschsprachigen CA-Kollegen! Es wird dieses Jahr einen Spottersday beim Jagdgeschwader 71 "Richthofen" geben. Er soll (vorausichtlich) am 5.6.12 sein. Es wird eine der letzten Gelegenheiten sein (wenn nicht sogar die letzte) die F-4F hautnah zu bewundern und zu knipsen!!! Ist zwar mitten in der Woche, aber ich werde teilnehmen. Man muss sich im Vorfeld anmelden, Infos dazu folgen noch auf www.luftwaffe.de Andere Infos zu dem Spottersday werden auch hier zusammen getragen: http://www.flugzeugforum.de/forum/showthread.php?68944-spottersday-Flugplatz-wittmund
  22. Various shots of some training flights....

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