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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Як-38 ...был такой самолет

    That´s what i think too Crusader! btw found an interesting Picture. The Yak-38 in Front has an interesting paintsheme...
  2. Well, maybe Florian still got the 3D model. so that it could be upgradet and smooth.... I really like the 21UM and think the existing model needs some improvements. Will help in any way i can of course. BTW, Russ, wasn´t you working an an trainer 21???
  3. wrong gunpod! the gunpod is integratet in the original 3d model. check florians original MiG-21UM download.
  4. FM Frage

    Moin Jungs, ich hab da mal ne Frage! Wie adaptiere ich das FM eines Fliegers auf einen anderen? EDIT: hat sich erledigt, danke!
  5. Well I´m sure SF2 NA will be a big step forward. But the stock clouds are still ugly (I think). Aaaand, I´m not sure what will happen with the terrain engine...
  6. Knowledge Base, & discussed a hundred times here too. change the dates in your options.ini...
  7. FM Frage

    Puh ich bekomme es absolut nicht hin... Kann mir evtl jemand von euch dabei helfen???
  8. Thrust vectoring.... As a Harrier.... Game supports this since the 1st stock Harriers came with WOE.... Daniel made only a small mistake, but i think everybody knows what he means. But i think in Game YAK-38 will only be AI... :-(
  9. Otto, the Cockpit has got still hours of work to do....
  10. Somehow i missed it! Thx Stary
  11. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Die SU-20 finde ich sehr interessant wäre auch wohl behilflich...
  12. Sorry, there is no flyable Puma available (sadly).
  13. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    SU-20 würde denk ich auch gehen, waren ja die frühen Export Varianten. Ägypten & Polen hatten die. Ach ja und wir hatten auch 2.
  14. No. too expensive. TK said that a few times. DLC only for flyable aircrafts. F.e. I think there will be an Iranian F-14 as dlc for example. Or more Phantoms, Hunters & Mirages.... BTW, the Russian carrier & the YAK-38 look amazing. I wonder if TK will populate the US carriers in that way too....
  15. If your install file was fresh downloadet from thirdwire it is at the latest patch level. When you run the game in the lower right corner of the screen is the Game version. If the Gameversion is written in green, you are at the latest patch level. If not it will be written in red. Then you only have to install the latest patch.
  16. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    SU-17A??? Also ich kenn mich ja nicht so mit den Fitters aus, wasn das genau für ne Version? Quasi ne SU-20?
  17. It´s bpao´s Model :S But Volker, Ludo & myself keep this one going on.
  18. Blockschrift für Flugzeuge is the 2nd one http://www.simmerspaintshop.com/forums/downloads/military-fonts/19/blockschrift-f-r-flugzeuge-67/ for the MiG one look here: http://rc-network.de/magazin/artikel_04/art_04-0040/art_04-0040-08.html maybe there is something you can use
  19. ah ok.... What´s then about an complete F-4F ICE Mod???

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