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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich bin ja stark für die SU-25er.... :rofl: :rofl:
  2. That is an F-4F....why not use the F-4F Model???
  3. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ja dann mal reinhaun Martin!
  4. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Welche Prios hast du denn Martin???
  5. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Fang nicht wieder was neues an Martin.
  6. Ants F-4E temps will fit well. Just some parts are different.
  7. Wrong year. If you fly earlier (60s, 70s), you´ll get the right ones!
  8. check out SF1 download section there are several and they work in SF2 too.
  9. Monty, can you please empty your PM-box? Wanted to ask you something!
  10. Well Russ, little question, why use the "E" Model, we have got an "F" in SF2 Europe... Would fit much better, or best would be to use Volkers F-4F ICE mod for SF2...
  11. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Mach ich gerne Martin, aber wann bekomme ich denn mal etwas von dir zum anpinseln? Du weisst ich warte sehnsüchtig auf die SU-25!!!!
  12. Well Spinners he said "A-6E" Is there an A-6E (AI) available from Thirdwire? I think not, only the A. Then i think he uses a 3rd partie E Intruder. then it is something wrong with the texture / ini / lod of the tank in weapons folder.
  13. Because of that the original is an "F" not an "E" Rhino.... BTW, I have SF2 F-4F ICE temps. if needet Russ.
  14. btw, i think i did all LSK numbers for my grey UB skin, released a long time ago...
  15. Hello my friends! I just wanted to start a new project, which was for a long time in my mind. I would like to do a MiG-23BN mod (historical correct skins for the LSK & GAF) using the stock SF2 Europe model. I was sure that i have got templates for the stock MiG-23 but somehow there are none on my template HDD. I think I have lost them during my last hdd crash a few month ago or something like that. Does anyone has got templates for the stock Flogger that can be shared with me?
  16. I think that profile is wrong. saw a lot of Pictures of German MiG-23UBs and they look all very different. check out airfighters.com. There are a lot of pictures taken around the time of the German reunion. There are also some pics of German 23UBs.... But i will contact some people who may know more about the 23UB camo schemes.
  17. Russian UB.... This should fit better Flogger! http://img.wp.scn.ru/camms/ar/37/pics/5_16.jpg LSK Numbers: 101 MiG-23UB A1037825 absturz 17.07.87 102 MiG-23UB A1037826 > 20+61, ausgestellt Bensheim 103 MiG-23UB A1038506 > 20+57, ausgestellt Finow Museum 104 MiG-23UB A1037901 > 20+62, ausgestellt Cottbus Museum 105 MiG-23UB A1037902 > 20+63, ausgestellt Berlin-Gatow Museum 106 MiG-23UB A1038034 > 20+58, ausgestellt Bad Oeynhausen Museum 107 MiG-23UB A1038221 > 20+59, ausgestellt Lanaken, Belgien 108 MiG-23UB A1038222 absturz 03.10.83 109 MiG-23UB A1038280 > 20+60, ausgestellt Fichtelberg 110 MiG-23UB A1038285 absturz 21.05.86
  18. There is no general way to handle Helos in gen 2 Sims. It dpends on the FM. F.e. Florians Sea King uses Thrust vectoring (also the MI-8 from Marcelo). I think you have to read the readme carefully of the Helo you are talking about. In most cases there is a discrition of the functions etc..
  19. Maybe you should test it under Nov.11 Patch! No luck with your tanks...
  20. Great one Alex! EDIT: Aleks, somehow there are problems with the tanks. Not able to load them.....
  21. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Na klar Volker!
  22. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    He he! Behälstz du denn noch die Susi im Hinterkopf????

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