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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Also RussoUK hat seit graumer Zeit ne 21UM in mache & mit dem Mig Alley Mod kommt ne neue 15. Pasko hatte mal ne 21BIS in arbeit, aber das war noch vor SF2. Keine Ahnung was daraus geworden ist. Ansonsten kp ob was in Arbeit ist....
  2. And the numbers from the LSK....
  3. Projekt Topic?

    Wieso is denn der Project Threat dicht?
  4. No. Only F-18E. I think F-18D and MiG-29UB are in work. But sadly no TS-11....
  5. Projekt Topic?

  6. Aren´t the Agressor skins up for years???
  7. Hex-Editor MX Google will tell you where to find.
  8. I think so. Exactly I think F-16A MLU (Mid Life Update)
  9. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Von mir natürlich auch euch allen eine frohe Weihnacht!
  10. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Geil Flo! Und ne CH-53 auch noch? Wieviele sachen hast am laufen??? 100??? Ich dachte nachm King erstmal Lynx & Teppichklopfer... :-( @ Martin: Wasn nu los mit den Frogs und der LA200????? :rofl: :rofl:
  11. Don´t joke with me mate! You should better finish the LA200 & SU25s :grin: :grin:
  12. Already know, look at the date of my last post Martin! Better awnsering after 1 year then never!
  13. YAK-38 Forger is Krizis Project... http://combatace.com/topic/37414-38/
  14. Damn Centurion.... quite cool! Well it would be pretty nice when you can finish it and maybe an T-37. Would help with skinnning if needet!
  15. Well i think a lot can be done when the textures for the objects will be converted from bmp to jpg or dds. There are tons of textures in that terrain...
  16. Fighter Ops

    I came a few month ago over a flightsim that is sfor a long time in work. IT´s called Fighter Ops. It looks pretty interesting. But i can´t find any infos about a release or something like that. I´ve registered on their web side & I follow em @ facebook. Anyone here knows something about it? For me it looks like a mystery ala JetThunder...
  17. Fighter Ops

    OK, woon´t have an eye on it till there will be a release! Thanks for your awnsers!
  18. Well, isn´t this something for the what if section?

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