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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Try a seperate Anatolia install. worked for me.
  2. I can confirm that. Henrik made great F-100 Temps too. I got some for the Hunter, German F-4 and F-105. But only for my use. As the 3d models changed from gen1 to gen2 sims, the old A-4F temps won´t fit anymore. I think you have to do em by yourself. it is not very hard. you should study some good temps and try to redo that kind of work for another model. I tried it on the updated F-84E+G for KAW mod and it works pretty good. If you can use Photoshop, Gimp or paintshop pro, it won´t hard to make your own ones. ;-)
  3. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Great one Marcolinio!
  4. i think we should make a CA holiday. somewhere on a nice sunny beach, having some drinks and throw an eye on the Beach-Bunnys....
  5. Same here Dave..... burned a bit out.
  6. It's SidDogs birthday!

    From me too a Happy Birthday!
  7. But it uses less space then dds textures. Which means better performance in game.
  8. try JPG textures, then performance will be better! Great work so far!!!
  9. 7 Dec 1941

  10. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Jo, das denke ich. Danke für die Infos! ;-)
  11. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Hmmm, TA-7..... Gab / gibt es da wesentliche Unterschiede zwischen der TA-7C und den Trainern die in Portugal & Griechenland genutzt werden / wurden????
  12. Gripens in Swiss Air Force

    Jip, swiss is buying 22 Gripen. http://www.news.admin.ch/message/index.html?lang=de&msg-id=42470 Sorry no english version available there by now!
  13. This is how WW II really happened....

    Muhahaha..... Great find Derk! Shared it directly @ Facebook (as Henrik did too). :lol: :lol:
  14. An RBT would be cool also. i think that version looks pretty agressive!
  15. Stary, I hope there will be these new features for the terrain..... I only belive it when i fly over it!
  16. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ja hatter, das war die "D" M2000
  17. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Mal abwarten wann es soweit ist Martin! :D
  18. Yes Stratos (Btw. Google is your friend and helps you from time to time). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northrop_Grumman_EA-6B_Prowler
  19. Well, i hope so too (as everybody here i think).
  20. Enrico & myself made the experience (for the Ginas) that jpg is better than alpha channeled dds5 images.
  21. That doesn´t count for me! I always do what I think & what I like. Aaaand: I know what it will be when i put my hands on it..... :lol: *joking*
  22. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ach so... ich hatte schon die leise Hoffnung, das wir mal was von dir rausbringen könnten! *gg* Die Ginas werden dieses Jahr nicht mehr kommen. Die 3D Modelle der einzelnen Varianten sind zwar fertig, aber dafür müssen noch alle Cockpits gebaut werden, das FM fehlt noch, sämtliche anderen ini-Arbeiten fehlen noch Und es ist noch einiges am skinning zu machen.

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