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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Martin, ich denk die LA200 is soweit ready?! Hmmm.... naja, dann mal viel Spaß beim renovieren! *gg* Apropos Axalp..... Weiss jemand ob im nächsten Jahr einige schöne Events starten, wo man sich evtl. mal treffen könnte?
  2. Well we should use JPG. Less file size and quality is the same I think!
  3. So true...

  4. Hmmm Prowler.... I know what will be my 1st project for SF2 NA.....
  5. Happy Birthday hgbn

    Happy Birthday Henrik my friend! Have a great day and enjoy it! :drinks:
  6. http://combatace.com/topic/40165-blacks-projects-su-33ubsu-25-wip-and-more/page__view__findpost__p__388135 here in this threat are some pics (a lil bit old)
  7. 20??? That´s a fast job! I did all Gina numbers for the GAF, over 400.... Still working on GAF Starfighter Decals, which are even much more.....
  8. Check Out These Idiots....

    No words for those brain less people....
  9. Yugoslavia!!! Would be nice to fly in a Tornado ECR against Serbia....
  10. I hope this will be a bit faster ready. My brushes are waiting for the SU-25s since ages!!!!
  11. 76.IAP-Blackbird is reworking Florians old SU-25....
  12. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Martin, was isn da los???? Schick mal rüber, brauche dringend etwas abwechslung.
  13. Hi Daniel, just a quick question, are you still working on the EMB 312 Tucano / Super Tucano?
  14. Happy Birthday Sundowner

    Happy birthday mate! Have a good One!
  15. Cool Aleks! if i can help with skinning, let me know!
  16. Ask Razbam at his web side Forum! (not here ca).
  17. A Buckeye would be cool. But for which Sim? Is Razbam´s only for FS?
  18. Mi-24 Hind colour charts?

    Then post it in the SF2 Mods & skins section pls.
  19. Mi-24 Hind colour charts?

    http://www.colorhunter.com/tag/mi24/1 The new one or the old from A-Team?

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