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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Tools für SF 2 ? ( zb. Formation .zip)

    Es gibt eine extra SF2 Range. Runterladen hat super geklappt. Meinst du Bremsschirme? Wenn ja, die gibts. Kommt aber auf den Flieger an. Wenn dann gibts die nur bei den 3rd partie Fliegern (u.a. RF-4E Pack, G-91Y) http://combatace.com/topic/66398-new-models-for-a-old-airplane/page__view__findpost__p__527610 Den Rest, keine ahnung da ich diese Sachen noch nie genutzt habe.
  2. TU 160 Blackjack?

    ja Veltro arbeitet dran. http://combatace.com/topic/61127-tu-160-blackjack-wip/page__p__462262__fromsearch__1#entry462262 PS, Suchfunktion nutzen!
  3. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Martin wie siehts denn nun mit deinen Sachen aus? Die LA-200 sollte ich doch pinseln???? Du weisst ich warte sehnsüchtig auf die 25er...
  4. Profile Publications

    Wow, great! Thanks for the info!
  5. wow.... would look in SF2 great too I think!
  6. if you are still working on it Swambast, will you make it compatible with SF2???
  7. nice Paulo! But i think that are E & G Thunderjets.....
  8. I´m looking forward to it too. Any news? is this still wip, or is the project stopped?
  9. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Volker Volker Volker..... *Kopf schüttel* :lol:
  10. Make sure the aircraft folder have the same name as the *.ini file of the aircraft f.e. Foldername F-104G ini file name F-104G.ini
  11. Yes it is! If you extract the nations.ini you have to edit the dates for enemy to end date f.e. 1990 then add a new nation f.e : [NationXXX] Name=Poland_Modern DisplayName=Polish AF past 1990 Alignment=FRIENDLY PilotNameList=NamesPolish.lst RankList=RanksUSAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=SovietFighter Formation.Attack=SovietFighter Formation.Bomber=SovietBomber Formation.Transport=SovietBomber Formation.Tank=SovietTank Formation.MobileAD=SovietAD PilotTrainingStandard=NORMAL GenderRatio=0 DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=USAFSpeech.cat SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.str ActiveDate=1991 AlternateDecal= StartDate=1991 EndDate=2020 That will work.
  12. looking pretty cool! What about some foreign skins? f.e. Greece, Netherlands & UK?
  13. Canberra B.Mk20 RAAF testing over the range
  14. Pylons were made by Ravenclaw. No dowload. When i release the mod, it can only be used in SF2 + Expansion Pack 2.
  15. Great work, but i think thats something for the general modder forum...
  16. Bunyap does no more work for SF (since a long time). Dave knows more.
  17. Check out mods & skinning section (SF2)
  18. They were added via. "fake pilot method"
  19. GAF build Canberras. GAF the company who build the RAAF Canberras. The GAF Canberras (only 3) where English Electric build ones.
  20. forgot to add this link: http://www.adf-gallery.com.au/gallery/Canberra
  21. Looking great! BTW, Dave, will there be some 412th Test Wing (Edwards AFB) Skins in the viper pack too?
  22. I habe a RAAF Canberra Mk.20 nearly finished for SF2. Addet the outerwing pylons and did high-rez skins. About loadouts visit: http://canberratalk.conforums.com There you find everything about the canberra...
  23. Which entries have you changed Eric? I think the same too. ps, i edited the ClrGlass.tga

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