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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Kevin, now please don´t start german zippers. In that case I have to finish mine fast....
  2. You have to extract it from the flightdata.cat. If I remember it right.
  3. I used Bpbrocks temps for my HAF & Sea Camo Tuaf zippers. best way to go. looks good so far Kevin!
  4. I´ve tried to find the modelaliance decals sheets for the "Gulf War Buccaneers" but no luck. All sold out. Maybe someone here has got a high rez scan of that sheet? That would be very helpful Carlo
  5. outstanding work Volker!!!
  6. That would be cool for the beginning Ed! BTW, check your PM please!
  7. http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20110925/local/libyan-jet-s-roundels-changed-in-poignant-ceremony.386345
  8. Jip, with a cool Range & of course the Nellis AFB (detailed)!
  9. Fiat G-91R.3 PAF 301ESQ "Jaguares"
  10. ED, you are da man!!! It looks nice so far, will you do a HS.780 too? If you need someone to skin, i will be there!
  11. How does it look like??? maybe i have something but I´m not sure what patch you mean.
  12. I would like to see a HS.780 Andover and a HS.748...
  13. Every Saturday morning before College! Since i lost my mods folder and had no back up. It takes just the time I read the newspaper and drink a cup of coffee!
  14. Fiat G-91R.3 PAF 301 ESQ "Jaguares" 1978
  15. Frühe BRD Luftwaffen Zahlen gesucht

    Moin Moin, ich bin auf der Suche nach den Zahlen die bei den Frühen Kennungen der Luftwaffe verwendet wurden. Leider habe ich bisher nix 100%ig passendes gefunden. Die Zahlen bei rc-network sind die späteren und die Schriften bei simmerspaintshop passen auch nicht. Zahlen sollten nicht zu groß sein (max 150pix hoch). Danke vorab!
  16. I think with the features that SF2 gives us, it is only a question of time that everyone turns over from SF1 to SF2...

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