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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. NO, you haven´t. Download the latest WoV patch from thirdwire and install it. It´s also written in the readme.
  2. Beautiful. I love the Mirage III. Hopefully you will do some more Mirages! BTW, that Pucara version, is that real or a what if?
  3. Thank you mate, a lot of stuff, which i can play with on my personal range!
  4. all few weeks a new large patch.... List of changes: ================================= Strike Fighters 2 Sep 2011 Update Readme File ================================= If you have installed any mods to the game, please check the ChangeList.txt for a list of updated files. If any data files you've extracted have been changed, you must manually delete and/or updated these files, or the patched game may not run correctly. Previous campaign saved data may not load after installing this Update. List of changes in this Update include: Sep 2011 -------- * Loadout screen crashing with carrier-based missions is fixed. * Problems with Laptops using nVidia Optiumus is fixed. * Campaign Customizer no longer lists campaigns from Expansion Packs not installed. * Campaign Customizer now has Mercenary option if installed with Strike Fighters 2. ... Size 98MB....
  5. Non Aircraft DLC

    That is really a boooooooring work....
  6. RAAF Mirage Pics

    I thought the same. Will do that sheme for the SF2 Mirage IIIO mod....
  7. RAAF Mirage Pics

    Great pictures! I really like the one from the testing unit, woth the dayglow marks.
  8. Which song makes you move?

  9. Non Aircraft DLC

    Just came into my mind, A user friendly terrain editor with easy object placement would be great!
  10. Frage zur Ölbohrinsel

    Sehr gelungen die Ölbohrinsel Michael! Sowas hat echt gefehlt. Hab da riesigen Spaß dran mit nem Helo drauf zu landen usw...
  11. I think that are skins out of Paulos pack! http://combatace.com/files/file/11565-shenyang-f-6f-6c-pack/
  12. Windows 7 Fragen!

    Hi leute, ich möchte meinen PC upgraden und im Zuge dessen möchte ich auch mein Betriebssystem von Windows XP auf Windows 7 ändern. Aber nun meine frage: Was ist der Unterschied zwischen der 32 & der 64 BIT Version? Wann sollte ich welche version einsetzen?
  13. Windows 7 Fragen!

    Dann wirds bei mir ähnlich sein... :-(
  14. Windows 7 Fragen!

    OKay, das bestätigt meine nachforschungen, wird dann wohl 32Bit werden. Laufen denn z.b. Photoshop 7 Paintshop pro X etc unter Win7? Und kann ich mein XP einfach so updaten, oder ist eine Neuinstallation erforderlich?
  15. SF2 Israel.... Israeli Kurnas vs. Egyptian F-4E....
  16. Windows 7 Fragen!

    ich habe einen AMD Athlon II X4 640. Denke das die 32BIT version die bessere Wahl ist.
  17. Nope! TK only doesn´t make the things I want!
  18. Well, that is another DLC I´m not interested in. Campaigns are not the things I´m interested in..... From 11 DLCs I only got 2....
  19. 发个视频

    I know that the Canards on the Mirage IIIS & Mirage IIIRS are fixed!
  20. Non Aircraft DLC

    Yes all i need are in there (I think) Now i will have a lot of fun with some mission building!
  21. Non Aircraft DLC

    Ah thank you Flo!!! and @ Stary: Please emty your PM Folder!!! :idea: :idea:
  22. Non Aircraft DLC

    I can only add them when i make an anti ship mission....

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