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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. "How low can you go!"

    German Navy! It was in 1984, May 23rd. AC: 26+74 (c/n 7420) In 1984 a German Marine F-104 had water contact and escaped unhurt. The pilot was on a practice weapon delivery pass on a target in the water, towed by a ship. During the strafing pass he got distracted and misjudged the delivery parameter like dive angle and minimum delivery altitude. He fired the gun at a point where he should have been already in the recovery. During the recovery the APC (Automatic Pitch Control) fired twice and made the situation even worse. The tail of the Starfighter did hit the water and the drag chute compartment was ripped off and even the chute deployed.
  2. Dito.... F-14 SIM? Won´t it be a Northern Atlantic Szenario???
  3. TK does great work with the DLC Aircrafts, but there are only 2 out in which I´m interested. Will get them today after work...
  4. Missions Warscheinlichkeit in Camapagne

    *lol* Aber das hatte ich letztens auch i-wann mal! *gg*
  5. Ok thanks for the discriptions, will get one.
  6. Very nice weathering on the Viper Eric! BTW, a lil more gunsmoke should look good http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8_4GnCTp578/TO2lt2fzvYI/AAAAAAAABZ0/4R16we9uRAw/s1600/USAF_SouthKorea_F-16.jpg Well when i need someone to weather something, I know now who i have to ask!
  7. Missions Warscheinlichkeit in Camapagne

    Ist die Options.ini!!!! Schau sie dir genau an! In dieser datei kannst du das Jahr editieren, bis wann das game laufen soll! Für SF2 E ist es standart mäßig glaub ich 1979....
  8. And Michael, have you got the platform working???? I´m very interested in that Project!
  9. Missions Warscheinlichkeit in Camapagne

    Ähm, änder die daten in der Data.ini vom Flieger und (neuerdings auch) in der textureset.ini.
  10. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    *lol* Ja is ja kein Problem, aber i-eine Struktur sollte man schon haben (damit auch mal was fertig wird) auch wenn es nur Hobby ist! ^^
  11. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Naja, dann werde ich mich mal auf die Arbeit am SeaKing, den Starfighter und der Ginas konzentrieren.
  12. Amy Winehouse... Dead

    RIP Amy.... Club 27 got a new member.
  13. Bomb Trailer???? http://www.3dxtras.com/3dxtras-free-3d-models-details.asp?prodid=7093 Cool stuff for an french airbase: http://www.3dxtras.com/3dxtras-free-3d-models-details.asp?prodid=2204
  14. Looks pretty nice so far ED!
  15. Looks pretty nice so far Eric, would look nice on the Mirage F.1 too....
  16. Hi Folks, since some time TK made some great additions to the textureset.inis. you can add randomizing decals. As i had a look at the new entries i saw: 'DecalNumberBlockSize' But can someone explain me, what this entrie does and how it works?
  17. New Aubases & Airports? I´m bored of the stock ones...
  18. Anti-Ship Mission??? I think it is so. Have same with all terrains!
  19. Hot Summer could wipe out Goth Population-experts warn

    Ha ha!!!! Emos??? there i have one...

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