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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Aircraft Apache AH 64 zum download?

    Wird wohl nicht mehr lange dauern bis der Apache raus kommt!
  2. Great news Dels!!! :drinks: :drinks:
  3. I think that was the wrong carrier Volker!
  4. Great, i think it`s urgently needet! Many nations use the F-16C/D....
  5. Ludo, KAW, will have brand new Models for all Thunderjets!!! So don´t waste your time with the older F-84G model.... It´s not my Model. It´s only in my paintshop!
  6. Hey Ludo, Not really. It´s for the MiG Alley Mod. But I have thought about doing some various skins, after finishing the Korean war skins. Btw, it´s an E-Thunderjet!
  7. Here are some of my natural silver skins. I use in the textureset.ini: Specular=1.0000 Glossiness=0.600000 Reflection=1.500000 and i use over the metal 2 colors (one a lil bit darker) a "rusted" layer it looks then so: For me that looks best, it took a long time till i found the best work together between the colors, rust and ini entries....
  8. Happy Birthday Zurawski!

    Happ B-day from me too, Zur!
  9. Sounds very easy, I think I´ll do that for a Korea Install. So what was now the fault that it did not wored for Volker?
  10. Wow Volker, das schaut echt beeindruckend aus! Bin echt gespannt wie ein Flitzebogen auf das Endresulat!
  11. I was wrong

    You are so right Stary!
  12. Well Stary, someone has to fish all these noops out of the Sea!
  13. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Lang nix mehr von gehört.... Evtl weiss Sony ja was los ist?
  14. Look in the Modders Round Table Forum! :blink:
  15. Yes it is. Have the problem with Nvidia & ATI under XP SP3 + DX9.
  16. Campaign Ideas?

    There is no propper Balkan Terrain out! There is only a very old Beta out, wich got a lot of Issues. @ Lt. James Cater: Do you know Yankee Air Pirate Add on?
  17. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Gib dir nicht allzuviel Mühe mitm pinseln! @ Martin: Wie siehts denn nun mit deinem Kram aus?
  18. Great Kevin Thank you! @ Paulo: Great Info, thank you!
  19. Spitfire

    I think Bobrock is very busy at the moment....
  20. and a Happy Birthday to Amokfloo

    Florian, alten Wemser! Alles Gute zum Gebu! Genieß den Tag und trink nen Bierchen für mich mit!
  21. Nazi brought to Justice

    5 Years.... Ok, the guy is 91 years old, but under justice i understand something else....

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