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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. RAF Coningsby 27 April 2011

    Great pix Ant!
  2. Great work!!!! we really need more helos!
  3. sure you can. It´s a Decal thing. Look at the Desert Storm Tornado for example. with the fuel tank decals, it is a question if they are part of the aircraft model (then it works)or if the tanks are modeled as a weapon only.
  4. The plugin i have, works fine. But I don´t remember which one it is. Maybe there went something wrong. I would suggest you to delete it, try again and if that does not work, try to search for an other plugin....
  5. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Hassu die Virtavia SeaKing Temps mal probiert Flo? Ansonsten such nochmal nach walkarounds! @ Martin: Wie schauts eigentlich mit deinen Sachen aus?
  6. http://wp.scn.ru/en/ww2/f/52/2/0
  7. I really like your Spits! Not bored yet! Any chance for a captured German one????
  8. Nice Project Paulo! Maybe helpful for skinning: http://www.tailormadedecals.com/index.php?option=com_docman&task=cat_view&gid=63&Itemid=34
  9. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Sehe ich genauso, erstmal die heimischen Fliegers basteln!
  10. For civilian only, maybe you can play around with the nations. add a nation "civil" and then assign that nation to an airport (if it works assigning a nation to an airport)....
  11. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ja, ich finde eh das noch so der ein oder andere Heli fehlt! Klasse Arbeit Flo! Juckt mich derbe in den Fingern das Teil zu bepinseln!
  12. Nope! http://combatace.com/files/file/11151-f-5b-turkish-skins/
  13. AMI Numbers font?

    Ciao my italian friends! I have a quick question (or maybe 2). Is there a font tfor the numbers used on the AMI Jets (F-84, G-91, F-104)? Is so, wich one??? Cheers, Carlo
  14. AMI Numbers font?

    The tailnumbers look like amarillo (US) font. Not really helpful. I know how the numbers look like, i need the font or maybe templates for that numbers on the front / fuse...
  15. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Super Flo! Und gib dir Mühe beim mappen! *gg* Deine Modelle brauchen endlich mal richtig schöne Texturen!!!! Ps, falls du noch den AlphaJet E in arbeit hast, ich hab da was gefunden: http://www.rc-network.de/forum/showthread.php/221465-Vektorgrafiken-zum-Download!?p=2218727&viewfull=1#post2218727
  16. Templates are not around. You may contact marcfighter and ask him. And if I´m right RussoUK did also a great skin (AMI) for the amx years back. Maybe you should ask him too!
  17. for me it looks like a "little" recce- drone or uav.
  18. .... and Ravenclaws birthday !

    Volker hier auch noch mal alles Gute! Hoffe du kannst trotz allem den Tag genießen!
  19. coolio Russ! really need something like this! Can´t wait to land in an Mi-8 on this babe!
  20. It's Major Lee's Birthday!

    Happy B-Day! Have a great one Ken!
  21. 1st: where is the readme? 2nd: Your "mod" uses Marcfighters skin, where is the credit? 3rd: Where is the credit for the cockpit? 4th: GDR didn´t use soviet numbers. (thats only interesting for the historical background) Please update your file!!!!
  22. I did a Parani MiG-29A skin for cocas desert mod. If you are interested, i can send it over!
  23. B.62 updated, addet the missing pylons. Sorry i forgot them! @ Ghost: If you got references, i can do em Sandesh!

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