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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Kennen wir ja schon von dir....
  2. Great work Paul! I relly like the camo ones!
  3. That is the stock SEA Camo skin upsized with only a stripe on the tail.
  4. NO! EDIT: there is no mod released yet. But Alex is right, it is possible.
  5. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    nee keine pix, sind aber genug im screenshot threat - B(I).6 - B(I).52/82 - B.20 - B.62 - B.2 (GAF) - T.17 evtl noch TT.18
  6. File isn´t aproved yet. But i know that the betra was very nice! Can´t wait! Thanks PureBlue!
  7. End of an era... http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2011/03/22/354597/video.html
  8. Hmm, that looks ok too me. Is it an add on skin, or came it with the original F-18E?
  9. Question: Do I write afrikaans? decals.ini not textureset.ini
  10. Holy Mowly Volker!!! OUTSTANDING WORK MATE!!!! :drinks:
  11. Mrs. Crab_02 delivers

  12. Thanks for your update Enrico!
  13. It looks like you should study the knowledge base here & read more carefully what the people who wanna help you post.

    :drinks: Great! Will there be 2 Seaters too?
  15. I don´t think an bis would win against an ICE. Our ICE made victorys in different NATO exercises against F-15, F-16, F-18 etc... So sure a Bis would win...
  16. Please post the entries of the decals.ini from that skin here too!
  17. Too many Decals on one part and side of the model! 2 decals are maximum!!! A picture would be nice!!!
  18. HOLY s**t!

    Happy B-Day Dave! :drinks:

    Torno, the Mirage looks great! Is that a new model?
  20. Happy Birthday, paulopanz

    Auguri Paulo!
  21. I hope so too! BTW, thanks for converting the F.3, Edit: argh, it wasn´t fixed yet. SRY
  22. No fly Zone over Libya...

    In the videos you can see a MiG-23 went down.

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