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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. My gallery

    Some nice Pictures Stary!
  2. MF Mig 29

    Machs dir selbst! :rofl: http://combatace.com/files/file/8423-mig29-templates/
  3. Kfir C.10 and Cheetah C?

    wow looking cool! Will we have the animations from the hangarscreens in game moddet too?
  4. Buccaneer

    Volker, now without joking... Will we have a Blackburn Buccaneer???
  5. MF Mig 29

    jein Offiziell gibts die nur im NF4+ Paket. Kannst aber auch selbst machen (Lese dazu die Knowledge Base).
  6. MF Mig 29

    Nato Fighters 4+ hat die MiG-29A Warschauer Pakt mit drin.
  7. Same for me, if you need some help, tell me. This Helo, is usable for central Europe (US Army, British Army Air Corps & Netherlands Air Force), Middle East (Israel, Kuwait & United Arab Emirates), Mediteran Theatre (Greece) and Asia (Japan, S-Korea & Singapore)
  8. Boah Dels! Looks outstanding! Hope you´ll have a propper FM too (like the hard Mi-8 FM).
  9. Buccaneer

    http://combatace.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&search_in=core If you ask once again i have to talk private with you. And that won´t be funny (4 you)
  10. RF-4E

    Volker I think i still have the decalsheet (1/32) from AirDoc somewhere on my HDDs. Might be from use? BTW, looking outstanding!!!!
  11. Buccaneer

    Damn.... Why are people not using the search function? There are more then 10 threats about the Buccaneer around. Think over it guys!!!!
  12. Frustriert

    Zu Jet Thunder: http://www.forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?showforum=392 Da gibts alle Infos. Zu dem in der Luft starten: Das ist beim letzten Patch fürs Exp. Pack 2 aufgetreten. Habe den Patch zum Glück nicht installiert.
  13. Frustriert

    Ja, die letzten release sind nicht viel mehr wie Beta-Versionen... :-( Ich hoffe ja auf Jet Thunder....
  14. Warum starte ich immer in der Luft?!?

    Kein Ding!
  15. Warum starte ich immer in der Luft?!?

    Weil das seit dem letzten patch so ist. mit dem nächsten patch ist es weg. http://combatace.com/topic/61439-patch-december-2010-c-is-out/
  16. Damn Volker, can´t wait for your Recce Rhinos!
  17. No. There is no way to convert it. SF2 is a whole other Sim then SF1. It uses other fileformates and codes. Caused of that there is no way to convert the L-39.
  18. You will never get permission to upload any source file from A-team. Already known in the community.
  19. http://wp.scn.ru/en/ww2/t/53 http://wp.scn.ru/en/ww2/t/2005 A real work horse.....

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