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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. 20 years ago

    Yes I remember it well too. Damn times goes by too fast.
  2. looking very nice the skins Paulo!!!
  3. I have it since it came out. Very beautiful!!!!
  4. The attached shot was made with the stock sky in SF2. Should not be different from SF1. You just have to fly high enough!
  5. in 1983 the first Belgian Vipers were delivered
  6. For Belgium, wouldn´t it be better to use F-16A instead of the Starfighter?
  7. Happy birthday ghostrider and whiteknight!

    Happy B-day Sandesh! :drinks: Damn, just read that Matt has got b-day too! All the best for you too matt!!!
  8. *lol* Piecemeal, that was the 1st i did when i got Strikefighters 1 (many years ago). As above written. Easy to change in the sim!
  9. Daniel, i have too many things going on. And college just started again. So my time is very limeted. But for some quick things i would join of course!
  10. ID(io)Ts....................

    Ask him! ;-) If he won´t help try to convert the MI-8 FM...
  11. ID(io)Ts....................

    Hmmm, that Chopper looks great! I can´t wait foe it! BTW have you found someone for FM? If not, why not adapt the FM from Marcfighters MI-8? That is the best FM available for Helos in SF-World. The Alouette III is absolutely useful for this sim. It´s in Use in Europe, Mediteran, Pakistan, India, middle east and in Africa....
  12. BO-105, good choose! BTW Daniel i hope yoiu don´t forget our little project!
  13. For the Hawker Hunter Fans

    I would prefer a Hunter T in Sf2!
  14. For FM, adapt the FM from Marcelos MI-8. That FM is the best for Helos around....
  15. Yes. No for the F-15 i have it only in black. For F-4 I have it colored. http://combatace.com/files/file/8023-f-15a-199th-tfs-the-kukaiumoku-mod-eagle-scheme/ http://combatace.com/files/file/7952-f-4c-199th-tfs-the-kukaiumoku-euro/
  16. A-7E's upgrades: When and what?

    Maybe ask the guys over @ http://www.arcforums.com in the research sub forum
  17. HH is painted on the skin, Hawaii & the numbers are decals
  18. Cocas for Italian navy: AV-8B & breguet Atlantique (AmokFloo is pimping Veltros Atlantiqe) Is that a Alouette III? If so, wasted time, Aleks has one in work!!!! http://combatace.com/topic/33151-idiots/page__st__20
  19. Hallo Jungs, ich bin grad dabei mich an der Canberra von TK etwas aus zu toben. Brauche nun etwas hilfe bei der TT.18 ich möchte da die Rushton Winde dran basteln. Nun stellt sich die Frage ob als Waffe oder via Fake-Pilot methode. Die Winde soll funktionieren (animiert sein) so dass das Ziel sich mitm Seil vom pod entfernt. Bekommt man das so hin? soll so dann aussehen:

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