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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Are you sure it is fixed? You just updated your system.... I still have that thing...
  2. I just addet Kesselbruts Canberra cockpit to the expansion pack 2 Canberra B.2 & B.6, but all cockpit textures are now white... Has someone an idea what causes this?
  3. Fixed it. There was something wrong with the correct ini-names...
  4. What a question.... It´s ready, when it´s ready.
  5. Well Ludo, then i think we could get our stuff together. Mine are done and yours are done. Sadly Sony has not much time to finish his in near future...
  6. Romanian AF L-39 on a base visit @ Germany
  7. *lol* Not you Flo, your MiG-21UM...
  8. No you don´t! 1st i only think asking a question once is enough. ;-) 2nd is that every modder has a real life. so everyone should be happy with that what comes. 3rd The old MiG-21UM from AmokFloo is not up to date & RussoUK is working on a new 21 Two seater, so it would be wasted time.
  9. If you want it: Make it by yourself! or ask someone else. Ah, & asking a question ones a time is enough i think....
  10. Hallo Jungs, ich benötige mal etwas Hilfe. Habe mich grad versucht schlau zu machen bezüglich der ganzen Attachment typen die es im Spiel SF2 gibt. Dabei bin ich hierauf gestoßen: http://combatace.com/topic/12099-basic-ini-editing-weapon-stations/ Doch nun hat sich eiune andere Frage aufgetan. [WeaponData001] TypeName=LIGHTNINGPOD FullName=Lightning Targeting Pod ModelName=LIGHTNING_POD Mass=75.000000 Diameter=0.359000 Length=2.235000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.770000 AttachmentType=NATO,USAF,Romania SpecificStationCode= NationName=USAF StartYear=1992 EndYear=2020 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=25 Exported=True ExportStartYear=1993 ExportEndYear=2020 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=4 <--- Was bedeutet diese Zeile StoreType=3 <--- und diese? CameraFOV=2.500000 CameraPosition=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 CameraYaw=0.000000 CameraPitch=0.000000 CameraRoll=0.000000 SightTexture= EODisplayFlags=268501249 SeekerRange=30.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=120.000000 SeekerNodeName= Wieviele WeaponDataType & StoreType gibt es und was bedeuten sie jeweils? Hoffe ihr könnt mir da helfen!
  11. Frage zu Weaponstations und den Weapons an sich

    Ja, würde dann gerne die Trainingsversion der Matra R-550 Und die Trainingsversion der R-60 (UZR 60)
  12. Maybe this will be good enough for your taste? http://combatace.com/topic/55714-sf2-screenshot-thread/page__view__findpost__p__456025
  13. Frage zu Weaponstations und den Weapons an sich

    Nein, aber trotzdem Danke. Ich möchte eine Matra R550 Trainings Rakete haben und ne UZR-60 / 62 Schreiberrakete.
  14. Yes Sony, the nicest (with the actual french grey/green) for me on this bird.
  15. Frage zu Weaponstations und den Weapons an sich

    hmm ach so. Ja da kenne ich mich nach über 6 Jahren SF bestens mit aus! Ich probiere es einfach mal.
  16. Anyone flown this Flight Simulator?

    As talking about Flightgear, is there a "dcombad add on" available as in the other sim?
  17. Great Mod! Saves me a lot of time! Thank you only negative things are the old skins. But That is no big thing, cause I´m working on new ones! ;) And some questions: If I remember it right, the Lancer C is Air 2 Air only, and the Lancer A Air 2 Ground. Is that right? And I think the Smoke effekt is way to much. Any idea how to reduce it?
  18. Frage zu Weaponstations und den Weapons an sich

    Lotto??? Naja, sowas spiel ich nicht!^^ Aber die Infos haben mir sehr geholfen. Habe aber nun noch tiefergehende Fragen zu weapons. Ich möchte gerne aus dem Model der Matra R550 II eine ´Trainingsrakete basteln. ist es möglich so wie am Flieger Teile verschwinden zu lassen, wenn man nicht die 3d Datei hat?
  19. I already noticed that. For the numbers & new skins, you don´t have to work on it. Numbers i have covered all and skins for LanceR C is finished and LanceR A skin is wip. Would like to up them as an update for the shortly released mod, cause LanceR C is Air 2 Air and LanceR A is Air 2 ground. BTW, the smoke effect of the engine looks a bit strange for me.

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