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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Ask Amour Dave, he did the F-105D, F-105F & F-105G
  2. Frage zu Weaponstations und den Weapons an sich

    ah, super Danke Volker!
  3. Happy Birthday hgbn!

    Henrik my friend, have a great day!!!
  4. I don´t know what the mirage has to do with this threat, but I´m very interested in the Mission editor and of coure in the new Canberras!
  5. When it is czech Beer, then it could be defined as "Bio hazzard" *rofl*
  6. Here you´ll find something for the load out: http://www.mig-21.de/english/technicaldataupgrades.htm
  7. Are you planning to do a MiG-21 LanceR Mod? I did only a quick & Dirty Lancer C for my use. But I´m thinking about to do real Lancer C (Air 2 Air) and a Lancer A (Air 2 ground) mod...
  8. Such a drwing from an Greek Mirage f.1 in Ghost sheme would be nice! BTW, great references
  9. War in Korea closer than we thought

    Yes, but this artillery attack was the 1st of this kind since 1953. And just after it came public, that the North-Korean Nuclear programm is much bigger then thought.
  10. War in Korea closer than we thought

    Where are these Infos from?
  11. Maybe a little bit of topic, but the Czech AF L-159´s were just upgradet. They can now carry non konventional external stores:
  12. Paulo, are still thinking about 21SPS & SPS-K?
  13. would be good to have a mod for it. needs ini editing still (loadout).
  14. I think your question was awnsered @ arc-forum. BTW, I still have a skin from Bobrock for the Lancer-C on my HDD for SF2.... If you are interested, let me know
  15. maybe wait for expansion pack 2? it includes an mission edito wich supports also carriers. ;-)
  16. Rise of Flight

    Also die 25 & 17/22 würde ich an deiner stelle intensiv weiter verfolgen. Die sahen mir am besten aus und dafür gibt es bestimmt mehr Interesse wie an den anderen Dingern.... bin mir sicher, dass wenn du Hilfe brauchst, bestimmt ein paar helfende hände unterstützen werden!
  17. EF-101B

    EF-101? I would say it´s an CF-101. Check the F-101B here for CAF skins.
  18. How Long is Two Weeks?

    2 weeks here aren´t really 2 weeks (or 14 Days). It is a time periode from now till then. Not really measurable. Often used from modders, when they´ll be asked (again & again) when a mod is finished.
  19. Here the 25th FIS F-80C with finised decals.
  20. you have to wait for updates. We are heavy working on it. So Taz don´t push us for updates.
  21. Damn, now I´m interested in Airbase modding too.... Is there a tutorial somewhere how to make a "new" Air Base?

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