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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. The cockpit used, is it a "real" 767 Cockpit, or have you used another one?
  2. BAF is in Sonys hands. i wanted to do a KLU skin, but I have cancled it for now. I will only still do 3 Silver skins. 1 for the AMI, one for HAF & one for TuAF. If I´m still motivated after them maybe I´ll do the KLU one.
  3. Flugplatzobjects?!

    Also ich hab nooch 2 NaATO Shelter (offen & geschlossen) als GMax dateien. Muss nur zusehen, das ich sie konvertiert bekomme samt mapping.
  4. Team Mirage Factory was some time ago working on a french Jaguar. But I don´t know the status.
  5. German Squadrons complete. Here is the last one: JaboG 36 "Westfalen", the sqadron where i did my military service. of course many years later then the Thunderstreak. I worked on the F-4F ICE
  6. Ah OK. then you have to post E-Bug screens!
  7. What about our search function Stratos? http://combatace.com/files/file/9401-super-hornet-package-for-sf2-v18/ easy find.
  8. D = Fighter Bomber Squadron, A, B, C etc. is the Squadron the numbers are the wing 1=1st Wing They changed in 1968. Sony is on it for BAF
  9. Here are 2 more: JaboG 34 (2nd Wing) & JaboG 35 (2nd Wing) there with only one German Squadron remaining (JaboG 36)
  10. You are right Kevin, great team we put together. it makes real fun to work on this mod. Ludo did outstanding work on the templates. I hope that we can do similar projects in the future...
  11. Sure Kevin, but I only did the 4512th CCTS Skin, other USAF units are in Ludos hands. Planned is, that I do all German Skins, the 4512th CCTS one, one Italian skin and maybe some more Nato Skins (Turkey & Holland)
  12. Flugplatzobjects?!

    looking really good Marcolinio!
  13. Flugplatzobjects?!

    Was? 2 schöne Mädchen nur??? Wie langweilig!
  14. Thats the mod. or maybe an illegal guy from Africa!
  15. The layout of the model made me crazy, but finally i got it. here is something different then the silver Streaks: JaboG 31 2nd Wing "Alma"
  16. Rise of Flight

    Endlich tut sich mal wieder etwas für die Flugsimulations Fans!
  17. Hallo Leute, evtl. habt ihr es ja mit bekommen. Aerosoft mischt nun bei Jet Thunder mit! http://www.forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?showforum=333 :drinks: Also ehrlich gesagt habe ich nicht mehr dran geglaubt, dass JetThunder jemals raus kommt. Aber wenn es stimmt was Aerosoft so sagt, dann wirds das erste Release noch dieses Jahr geben.
  18. Aerosoft nimmt Jet Thunder unter seine Fittiche!

    Ja, und gibt Helis und ist Modbar!
  19. Rise of Flight

    Naja, evtl zieh ich mir das demo auch mal....
  20. Rise of Flight

    Ja Otto, du nimmst mir die Worte ausm Mund! *bg* Sieht schon sehr geil aus, aber für mich ist es nix. Ich brauche Jet-Power!
  21. No fu**ing what ifs! several Experimental schemes were tested on the RF-4Es and F-4Fs before the later camos were introduced.

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