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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. RF-4E

    Damn, this is gonna be another milestone Volker!!! :drinks:
  2. Looking pretty nice Dels! great add on for Europe, middle east & mediteran theatres! We need more Helos! Hope it will have a good FM too! ;-)
  3. Spitfire

    Damn Beppe.... Your work is getting better and better! Looking fantastic!
  4. It was worth a try..... Have to coordinate my work till then! When EXP2 is out i have more fun to work on the new Canberra I guess....
  5. Hmmm... can´t wait for exp. 2...... Any one an idea when it will be out? Maybe i have to save some of my money for christmas gifts.... *bg*
  6. looking great Monty! I think i have to get back on the skins and and paint the tanks, then i can send em to you....
  7. F-84F help needet!

    Hello my italien friends, i need a little reference help from you guys! Has anyone of you good drawings of the red fork in the image attached? I hope someone of you can help me.... Thanks in advance, Carlo
  8. F-84F help needet!

    thank you Alex, i think the 2nd one is useful!
  9. Is there something special to take care of? f.e. weapons or so?
  10. Dave, 1st the important stuff (Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, Turkey, Greece & Holland)! Then we can talk about the rest! *bg*
  11. @ Ludo: Looking pretty good! @ Sony: welcome on board mate!
  12. Great work! What about a SF2 version?
  13. No. i´ll do only real skins. it would be a shame to make out of Ludos long work fu**ing whatIfs.
  14. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Also nen skin gibt es. aber es ist noch 3d arbeit zu machen. Canards & düppelwerfer. apropos..... Martin, wie sieht es denn mit den SU-25er & 22er aus?
  15. German Squadrons will all be covered.
  16. JaboG 32 1st Wing early Thunderstreak
  17. Frage zu Rollgeschwindigkeit beim FM

    *lach* Ja sowas hat man mal. Kenn ich nur zu gut Michael! Aber um was für eine F-20 handelt es sich denn genau?
  18. 4512th CCTS, Luke AFB 1959. 1st West-German Luftwaffe pilots get their introduction.
  19. Looking very nice! Hope to see a SF2 Version too....
  20. http://model.3dcool.net/list/K/32/1.html
  21. Aerosoft nimmt Jet Thunder unter seine Fittiche!

    Hmm, ich denke mal die erste Beta kommt dieses Jahr noch, aber die wird dann halt eben sehr abgespeckt vom eigentlichen Endprodukt sein...
  22. Important news!

    I will get it too.
  23. Aerosoft nimmt Jet Thunder unter seine Fittiche!

    Ah Marcolinio.... Du bist schon ein alter Mann.... :lol:

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