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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. UnitID, Memmingen

    http://www.mil-airfields.de/de/memmingen.htm Google hilft immer.
  2. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich müsste zu hause auch noch etwas haben, schau nacher mal...
  3. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Hast du Chaff- & Flare- werfer mit am model?
  4. You say it Sony, and the Canberra B.2 too. Can be easy made flyable (addapting Kesselbruts Cockpit) Can´t wait to do some high rez skins for it. Already got a lot of data collected.
  5. Read the readme from Stary´s update, then you know what to do. BTW, thanks Kevin for the update!
  6. Happy Birthday 76.IAP-Blackbird

    Alles Gute Martin! Hab einen schönen Tag & feier ordentlich!
  7. Happy Birthday, Jimbib!

    Happy B-day mate!
  8. Those airbases would be cool for the IsraelME Terrain too.... looking really nice. Great work!
  9. I think not really. cause there is no way to get the source file of the stock P-51D. But it can be tried with the fake pilot method.
  10. Looks nice, but if I´m right it´s name is Sabre, not Saber....
  11. Aero L-39

    Monty, the L-159A (single seater) obens the canopy to the side. The L-159B (double seater) opens it to the top
  12. Aero L-39

    and i think it has got 3 weaposstations under each wing, if i remember it right
  13. Aero L-39

    Here I have some different Versions: L-39V (Targeting) L-39C (Trainer) L-39ZO (light attack without gun) L-39ZA (light attack with gun)
  14. Yesterday in Vienna it smelt like burning rubber...

    I love the Moto GP. a specially since Valentino Rossis comeback!
  15. Aero L-39

    I think Martin has a twin seat fetish! Wich Versions have you planned for the L-39 Monty?
  16. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    LW Mirage??? Nix von meiner Seite her. Ich mache im Moment eher weniger. Das was ich mache beschränkt sich halt auf den Korea Mod. Habe privat Momentan viel um die Ohren und fliege mehr FS2004... Warte halt noch auf andere Sachen die noch nicht so weit sind und plane evtl noch high-rez skins für die stock F-84F.
  17. Aero L-39

    Looking really nice Monty! Yes the hind is available @ capuns skunkworks. I think templates are here around. Breitling skin is planned by me X-Ray. Got a lot of reference about the L-39.
  18. In-game Kontrast

    Oha Volker.... Ich wollt ja nicht mit dir tauschen! ^^ Hast das neue Board eigentlich schon am laufen?
  19. In-game Kontrast

    Martin, ich kenn das! *loool*
  20. In-game Kontrast

    Was für einen Bildschirm hast du denn? Ich hatte das Problem als ich noch nen 17 Zoll Röhre hatte. Kontrast musste am Monitor eingestellt werden, bis zum max. Hab mir dann einfach nen 24" breitbild Teil geholt, das macht schon einen riesen unterschied!
  21. hope this will be good Veltro! i really like the Atlantique....
  22. Bobrocks Tornado is a F.3. post please 1st: the link wich Aircraft you have downloadet 2nd: the link wich skin you have downloadet. Edit: Kevin was faster.
  23. Aero L-39

    Well, you can say in the lod(s) I think, that the fileformat is DDS, but how exactly I don´t know. Advantage of DDS files is, the files use not as much space as a bitmap, & the performance in game is much better. Should i ask Erikgen? He used dds on his G-91Y.... EDIT: the way to use dds textures is simple ... in 3ds you have assign to a material a dds texture instead of a bmp ... or you can do all stuff with the traditional bmp and change the assign dds texture to all the materials used before the export procedure

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