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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Aleks, haven´t you done the skin? I think, if you still got a template, you could easy do the Myamar skin by yourself. i think...
  2. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Einstimmung wofür???
  3. Cool, thanks to Everyone involved! Edit: BTW, an SF2 Version would be very cool!
  4. Screen da AVIANO A.F.B.,dedicato a tutti voi!

    X Ray, is the Aviano AB from Cloud9 still somewhere available?
  5. Since the release of the expansion pack for WoI, the support for Gen 1 Sims (Wox) ends. Gen2 Sims are the future....
  6. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ok ok, wollts ja nur erwähnt haben! :-P
  7. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Jungs, habt ihr das eigentlich mitbekommen, das nun auch *.dds Files für die texturen (Flieger, objekte & Terrains) verwendet werden können? Spart ne Menge Speicherplatz und ist super für die Performance vom Spiel
  8. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Sieht super aus Jungs!
  9. Waffen (Packs) installieren

    http://combatace.com/files/category/403-sf2-series-add-on-weapons/ Da findest du alles was zur zeit für die gen2 an add on waffen zur Verfügung steht. Wie es geht steht in den readme´s.
  10. if it is not alone in the download section, then you have to get NF4+ (NATO Fighters 4 Plus). The F.3 is includet there.
  11. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Flo, hast du die Piggi eigentlich auch noch auf dem Plan?
  12. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ja genau! *gg* jungs, wie sieht es denn zur zeit mit euren Sachen aus? Also ich werde wohl die nächste Zeit vorwiegend für den Korea Mod Sachen machen. Es sei denn, i-was tolles kommt dazwischen!
  13. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Naja, er reagiert nie. Fragt immer bekommt dann antworten bzw. sachen die er braucht und dann nix mehr. Hab ihm einmal was gemacht, da kam nichtmal ein Danke zurück.... Bezüglich seiner Models gibts nicht viel zu sagen, außer das ich sie mir nicht mehr ziehe. Seinen standart darin hält er leider...
  14. exactly Kevin! ;) I think the F-104´s should removed, cause they have a real bad model. better use stock aircrafts.
  15. i think so too. If I´m right it was from Lindr2.... Edit: Here it is: http://combatace.com/files/file/8270-mig-29-pack-beta/ and there is a update pack too!
  16. Neuer Eurofighter!

    Ja, ganz oben im SF2 skinnen forum. something evil oder so.... ps: Martin, Bongodriver macht den Eufi, nicht Bobrock! ;)
  17. File Name: F-5B Turkish Skins File Submitter: Soulfreak File Submitted: 14 July 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Skins F-5B, Turkey Air Force Skins These skins are for the great F-5B from Fast Cargo Skins done with the templates from him & Sea Skin is modified from 331KillerBee´s Sea Skins. You have to read the readme.txt!!! Skins are for SF2 Serie!!! ------------------------------------------------------------ this Mod is released under the freeware licensing agreement http://forum.combata...showtopic=26131 ------------------------------------------------------------ I hope you´ll like these skins. Schapen, 14th July 2010 Carlo "Souli" Vecchi Click here to download this file
  18. why always open an new threat??? Thewre are several threats about the Banana around Veltro! ;-) As Martin said, still wip. And no, not 2 weeks. I think more 3 weeks!
  19. We have a great search function here! USE it! you have already ask something similar... http://combatace.com/topic/37125-mirage-factory-projects-french-fighters/page__p__428339__hl__mirage+f.1__fromsearch__1#entry428339
  20. Stary, maybe the airbases can be updatet too? the parked aircrafts from gepard should be removed and added the TK feature of parked aircrafts.... BTW a great rework bro!
  21. You know this Kevin??? http://combatace.com/files/file/10767-mirage-factory-f-4ej-super-pack/
  22. File Name: G-91Y, German Skinpack Vol.1 File Submitter: Soulfreak File Submitted: 11 July 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Skins Fiat G-91Y, German Skins (fictional) These skins are for the great G-91Y from Enrico Skins done with the templates from him & my own for the tanks. Also includet is a modified userlist for the Yankee, to make it usable for German Navy & German Air Force. You have to read the readme.txt!!! ------------------------------------------------------------ this Mod is released under the freeware licensing agreement http://forum.combata...showtopic=26131 ------------------------------------------------------------ I hope you´ll like these skins. Schapen, 11th July 2010 Carlo "Souli" Vecchi Click here to download this file
  23. Germany (Air Force) had only the G-91R3, R4 & T in Service.

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