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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Some more little help from my side. I came over the color-codes for the different Paintshemes of the air forces wich use the €F. Codes are direct from Eurofighter GmbH. ----------------------------- RAF - BS381c- 626 Barley Grey GAF - FS35237 SpAF - FS36492 ITAF - FS36440 Austria - FS35237 FS: Federal Standard 595b BS: British Standard 381c -----------------------------
  2. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Also wenn die Templates raus sind, dann Versuch ich mich mal an nem Norm 83 & Norm 90 Schema! ;)
  3. Martin, and what about the SU-25UM(?)? I think that bird is nearlier to finish?
  4. TF-102? Would be very cool, when you can finish it!
  5. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Congrats to Paraguay!
  6. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Scheiß What-if kram! Aber Norm 83 + tiger meet hat was! :D
  7. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Yes, and they are called "Germinators"
  8. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    We played against England, not against Great Britain..... It was a great Football match. And the best team had won. And finally after 44 years we´ve got justice for the wembley goal.
  9. Deutsch-Sprachkurs

    We are sinking! We are sinking! What are you thinking about????
  10. edit the path in the options.ini (located in the main install folder)
  11. martin is your install "heavy" moddet? I had the same problem (with other 3rd party aircrafts) with my old heavy moddet SF2 E/V install. Happens that in every terrain?
  12. Great work Guys! thank you for your work, another milestone! @ Martin: Haven´t got that problem with all 4 F-14´s.
  13. Felice compleanno Spillone

    Happy birthday Alex my friend! Have a great day!
  14. Die Fahne am Auto

    Altobelli, gibt schon freakige Leute....
  15. Die Fahne am Auto

    Der ist gut, hab den schon einige male per mail bekommen!^^
  16. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    We gotta fight aganst the english team again. a classical world cup match!!!!
  17. File Name: SU-22M4 GDR Navy Skin ca. 1988 File Submitter: Soulfreak File Submitted: 1 Dec 2007 File Category: Su-17 this skin represents a SU-22M4 of MFG28. read the readme for more infos. Click here to download this file
  18. Neuer Eurofighter!

    Ja ich bin da auch schon richtig heiss drauf!
  19. Why me?

    Wave off Mate, the trouble you may get isn´t it worth. Hey, other Moms have got beautiful & hot daughters too! (old adage from my Grandpa Josef Menke) So don´t take it so hard. Finish it and look positive in the future!
  20. Ah ok, well the MI-8 FM works very fine in SF2....
  21. Have just seen on the thirdwire facebook profile, that there are 2 more expansion paks in the work. Does anyone know what it will be? (No not the SF2 F-14 it is listed seperate)
  22. Maybe Kreelin, could you rework the FM? Would be great to have an updated FM for the Huey!
  23. Looking very great! Maybe this helps Ant with skinning... http://www.tailormadedecals.com/index.php?option=com_docman&task=cat_view&gid=35&Itemid=34

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