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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Poooh, what a Game, the North-Koreans had no chance...
  2. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    That Bo-105 looks cool. Long awaited Helo for TW-Series....
  3. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Unbelibable match. But it was too hard for 10 Germans against 12 Serbians!
  4. Very cool work Stary! No probs with Framerate from my side. But I have a really good pc....
  5. Wasn't there a song about this?

    *lol* Streichholz & Benzinkanister....
  6. Yes Marcfighter has one in work. But haven´t seen updates from him for a long time... :(
  7. North Korea 1 X 0 Brazil

    i just read that in NK only games will be send, if NK had won. but that they fake a whole match i can´t belive...
  8. Monty, have fixed the thing with the gunpods? Maybe you should ask Amokfloo. I think he can help you!
  9. Augurioni!

    Auguroni Enrico!
  10. Starfighter Affäre!

    und die 22er & der Einsitzer der 25?
  11. Starfighter Affäre!

    Thema aufn Sack gehen, zwar etwas off topic, aber wie siehtsn mit den Susis aus Martin?
  12. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich wäre dabei! Ajundairs modelle sind halt nicht so der Hit... Und man könnte die Modelle dann auf Gen2 Stand bringen (tanks im modell, bump mapping) Aber wir haben ja noch einiges anderes vor.... *Wink mitm Zaunpfahl* Abver ich denke ich werde erstmal nen GAF-Thunderstreak Mod in Angriff nehmen. Natürlich für die Stock F-84F aus SF2I. Ach ja, wenn noch jemand gute Referenzen hat (High-rez scan von min 1/48 Decals) Immer man her damit! :D
  13. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    It was a real interesting match! With dood chances on both sides. but the luck was with switzerland!
  14. Dave, remember to include the cockpit bmps of the wyvern!
  15. Can you guys fire the HOT Agtm?
  16. Welcome back Monty, hope you had a great time! ;) Sure,, if Monty got some templates, it will be quite easy!
  17. World Cup has Begun!

    Yeah, the wuwu-selas (or how are they called) are a fun killer. for luck these strange sound was not so presented in our game against the Aussies as in the other games before...
  18. World Cup has Begun!

    Damn, the worlds best sports event!!! And we´ve won 4:0... I think we will see some very amazing games in this world cup! And i hope, that our Team catches the 4th star!
  19. Six Day War: Taking of for a trip to Kairo.
  20. Top Gun 2

    me too!
  21. ..._

  22. Check This Out


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