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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. I´m sorry Russo. My PC doesn´t work at the Moment. It got temperature Problems caused by the water cooling System. Waiting for spare parts and when my pc works again I´ll get em 2 you.
  2. Looks Pretty cool! Florian did already a Tornado tent, it was released with Rends Germany Terrain.
  3. I still have somewhere on my HDDs temps with all Stencils for the (R)T-33s & F-80s...
  4. Great mate! Looking Forward to a civil Airport!
  5. Not sure if i remember it correct, but i guess i did highrez temps for the KAW F-84E / G....
  6. https://www.flugmodell-magazin.de/download/26133/ Here are good References regarding F-84F. ;-)
  7. DCS got a very detailed SU-25 Temp for their SU-25. Maybe you could adapt it to the SF2 model?
  8. I came across this side: https://bb-mapping-designs.de/community/include.php There are tons of Vehicles, mostly used by the Bundeswehr. Would be cool to have them in game to, specially for SF2E
  9. Thank you!
  10. Really a piece of art Mue! the only thing i have noticed is that the refresh button isn´t there anymore...
  11. so i guess, i don´t continue work on the early Marine Camo?
  12. Great work guys! Looking Forward to the new Freedom Fighter!
  13. It could be both what Russo & Spinners said. 1st check, if you had new Version of Nvidia Drivers. If so go back to an earlier Version what worked. If not check what you´ve installed last bevor the Problem appeared and remove it.
  14. Jane's USAF Help

    Google is your friend! ;-) http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/4150835/6/janes-usaf-on-windows-7-64-bit
  15. View File MiG-29GT MiG-29GT Fulcrum Basic modding skills are required to run this mod. (copy/paste, mod folder structure etc.) Install: Copy paste Objects folder (and all what´s in) into your mod folder. This pack contains only MiG-29GT skins for German Air Force, no Polish ones Credits. Bazillius - the original MiG-29UB early model. <--- Great work mate & thanks for your support! Ravenclaw_007 - Weapons, loadout.ini & Pilots Me - Skins, Hangar & loading screens, ini dance. Have fun Report bugs. Schapen, May 18th 2019 Carlo "Soulfreak" Vecchi Submitter Soulfreak Submitted 05/17/2019 Category MiG-29  
  16. MiG-29GT

    Version 1.0.0


    MiG-29GT Fulcrum Basic modding skills are required to run this mod. (copy/paste, mod folder structure etc.) Install: Copy paste Objects folder (and all what´s in) into your mod folder. This pack contains only MiG-29GT skins for German Air Force, no Polish ones Credits. Bazillius - the original MiG-29UB early model. <--- Great work mate & thanks for your support! Ravenclaw_007 - Weapons, loadout.ini & Pilots Me - Skins, Hangar & loading screens, ini dance. Have fun Report bugs. Schapen, May 18th 2019 Carlo "Soulfreak" Vecchi

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