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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. that is the sweetest sabre skin for me. but there are many problems with the tulips on the nose... i´ve tried it a while ago, but no luck... my skinning skills are not good enough....
  2. thats it thx! ;) Saganuay82 i think you must update your link! ;)
  3. i´ve thought it too, but i haven´t found it... it is a mobile-phone side....
  4. if skins are needet, i´ll be on Board! ;) just say wich and i will start!
  5. if he woulöd like to use the skins, he can.... ;) only need to contact me for sending the files.. new images, Skins are ready 4 rumble...
  6. Nice to see that bird! ;) one more target for my F-4F ICE :D
  7. File Name: SU-17 GDR MFG 28 Skin File Submitter: Soulfreak File Submitted: 30 Nov 2007 File Category: Su-17 SU-17 "Fitter" East German Navy 1988 this skin represents a SU-22M4 of Marineflieger Geschwader 28. More Infos in the readme. Click here to download this file
  8. Version


    this skin represents a SU-22M4 of MFG28. read the readme for more infos.
  9. I would be happy to see a more realistic SU-22. But i´m no 3d- or iniguru... :(
  10. SU-24 was in work. but i think it was a long time ago we had screens... :(
  11. SU-17 "Fitter" East German Navy 1988 this skin represents a SU-22M4 of Marineflieger Geschwader 28 (1st Wing). still wip, i think its finished friday.
  12. i really like the late USAf Paintshemes on the RF-4C... Isn´t a RF-4E from MF in work 2???
  13. yes i know. ;) i only hope there will be a model with includet dispensers. or i think there is a way to add the dispensers as a weapon (just like the F-104S Weapons). and of course droptanks. the su-7 tanks are a bit small (i think)...
  14. i hope we´ll have a real SU-22M4 one day...
  15. GDR Navy Fitter

    SU-22M4 MFG 28 ca. 1988
  16. i have skinned the Su-17 in colors of the fighterbomber wing 77, Laage Air Base. i will up it maybe on Friday. i think this is a potential skin for NF3... big thanks to marcelo for his outstanding help (Template). East Germany operates Su-22M4 since 1984 in 2 Squadrons. 1: Jagdbombergeschwader (Fighterbomber Wing) 77 2: Marineflieger Geschwader (Navy Airwing) 28. Both Squadrons were based at Airbase Laage. After the reunion Germany operates the SU-22M4. The official last flight of a german Fitter was on oct. 2nd 1998. I hope we´ll have a SU-22M4 for this sim one day...
  17. hmmm, nice. I will buy it too. I love the work from TK. can´t wait for WoI... the only thing that i would like to see is, that the red-side is flyable (in campaigns too).
  18. File Name: JBG 77 GDR Fitter Skin & WoE-Style Fitter Hangarscreen File Submitter: Soulfreak File Submitted: 22 Nov 2007 File Category: Su-17 read the readme for additional Infos. a big Thanks goes to Marcelo, he sendet me temps for the fitter. Hope you´ll like this skin. Click here to download this file
  19. File deleted, cause it was broken, try the other Sfile! ;)
  20. Version


    read the readme for additional Infos. a big Thanks goes to Marcelo, he sendet me temps for the fitter. Hope you´ll like this skin.
  21. the same with me... Great serie of sims, can´t wait for Wings over Israel... Thx TK and thanks to all Modders, who made this sim so outstanding!
  22. Hilfe gesucht!

    Hallo Leute, ich bin grad dabei einige Su-17 skins zu machen, brauche dabei mal etwas hilfe. Hat jemand von euch bilddateien der Geschwaderwappen vom JBG 77 & MFG 28 Der NVA??
  23. Hilfe gesucht!

    Hat sich erledigt...

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