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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. F-5E FAB Skin

    My newest Skin is ready! Brazilian Air Force F-5E. Done with the temps from Mirage Factory. Thx for this cool bird!!!!
  2. Canadair Sabre GAF!

    GAF Canadair Sabre Weapons school 10 1960´s
  3. Canadair Sabre GAF!

    Well, the Canadair Sabre was the first Fighter of the new West-German Luftwaffe. The Aircrafts flew @ JG71, JG 72, JG 73 & WASLW10 till the Starfighter comes to the units in the 1960´s.. I have 2 Skins nearly finished. i have just started the 3rd skin. I will release a skin pack, of course here.. ;)
  4. Holla Folks, I started to skin some canberra B2 skins. Now i need some more Informations, pictures etc.. from 2 Squads. 1st: 98 Sqn 2nd: 100Sqn I have informations, but in an bad quality... I hope somebody can help me...
  5. German RF-4E´s

  6. Fiat G-91 Gina T-38 Talon F-5B TA-4 MiG-21U(M) :)
  7. Make sure, that you drop the skins Folders ( like Folder 57th) into the right aircraft folder. there are F-15A,F-15c,F-15D & F-15E around. Make sure you install a skin for the F-15C in the F-15C Folder and not in the F-15A folder or so... ;) read the readme!!! ;)
  8. F-4F ICE Skins

    F-4F ICE skins. the skins are repaints of whiteknights great skins. he had allowed me to use his skins as base for new skins. thx whiteknight! and keep up your great work.
  9. Back to work!

    i´m back @ work. Skins will be up on monday, of course here. TF-104G skin is made of the templates, Tornado skin is a repaint of anokflos great basic Lizard skin.
  10. What is the decal mash name of this part from the plane? i´ve worked many hours on this skin and now i´ve got the problem, that i can´t get the decals shown up. i´m nearly going crazy. i´ve tried many different mashnames, but no luck. my decals.ini looks so: [Decal013] MeshName=fuselage DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=TF-104g\MFG2\D\marine Position=-4.1,0.2 Rotation=0.0 Scale=1.25 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal014] MeshName=fuselage DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=RIGHT Reverse=FALSE FilenameFormat=TF-104g\MFG2\D\marine Position=-4.1,0.2 Rotation=0.0 Scale=1.25 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal015] MeshName=LEngineVent DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=TF-104g\MFG2\D\marine Position=-4.1,0.2 Rotation=0.0 Scale=1.25 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal016] MeshName=REngineVent DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=RIGHT Reverse=FALSE FilenameFormat=TF-104g\MFG2\D\marine Position=-4.1,0.2 Rotation=0.0 Scale=1.25 DecalMaxLOD=3 decals on fuselage shown up, but not on the end part of the plane. Hope that someone can help!!!!
  11. F-106A NASA Skin

    NASA Skin for the great Delta Dart! Rework of C5´s excellent stock skin!
  12. Version


    TF-104G Starfighter Jabo 36 "Westfalen" On Dezember the 13th 2005 was the last official Flight of the "Westfalen" Squadron. so i did another skin from this Squadron.
  13. Version


    F-106A in NASA/USAF Colors. a big thanks to C5. He allowed me to use his great 27th FIS skin as base for this.
  14. TF-104G Skins

    WiP many more will follow!
  15. TF-104G Skins

    Another one. this will be up today!
  16. Version


    Germany had 3 Canberra B2 in Service. They flew for WTD 61. early they were silver and later they were painted orange. I have made 4 Numbers, that is historical not correcr, but so you can fly with 4 different Numbers. The real Numbers were: 99+34,99+35,99+36
  17. Version


    F-104G WTD 61 GAF in the late Lizard Camo-sheme. WTD 61 was the last Squadron that flew the 104. Last flight was in 1991.
  18. Version


    F-104G GAF WTD 61. WTD 61 was the last Squadron that flew the F-104G. The last flight of a German 104 was in 1991.
  19. German Canberra B2

    Wip: Canberra B2 WTD 61 (Weapons Technical Sq.) GAF Germany operates 3 Canberra B2 here we are:
  20. German Canberra B2

    That´s right Southernap. first they flew in a silver paintsheme and had other Numbers (00+00, 00+01 & 00+02) after they were transfered to WTD 61 they got a new colour-sheme and new Numbers...

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