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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. 1st we should ask TK if he would update the exporter and if, how much he would like to have therefor. And then we can collect money from the community. ;-) I would be in with 50$
  2. News from Nigeria

    Sadly we got no Alpha Jet-E...
  3. Well the let us ask TK how much it would cost the community.
  4. 1024 Terrain Tiles

    Looks pretty nice!
  5. Man that looks pretty cool! I guess comrad will like it also.
  6. Training flight over Japan F-104J "Eiko"
  7. Martin, frag mal die Experten im flugzeugforum.de!
  8. Russo, will you release the original airliner version too pls?
  9. Entfernen von Teilen via Data.ini

    Hallo zusammen! Ich stehe gerade etwas auf dem Schlauch. Ich möchte aus einer Boeing 737 AEW einen Airliner machen. Dazu müssen einige Teile des Fliegers verschwinden. Wie genau war das noch mit den RemoveXXX in der Data.ini?
  10. Entfernen von Teilen via Data.ini

    Hat super geklappt. Danke für die Hilfe!
  11. Entfernen von Teilen via Data.ini

    Danke Rene, werde es mal testen!
  12. check simmerspaintshop.com! There are nearly all roundels downloadable
  13. Oh cool! Somehow the Panels are not really matching i guess
  14. Is it now a real T.7 and did he changed the mapping for the wings etc.?
  15. Looks great Jim! Btw, I´m still working on populating Hopsten AB.. ;-)
  16. Who has Star Wars Tickets?

    Booked for Sunday 8 p.m.
  17. F-4E AUP

    Great one Volker! Thank you for your hard work.
  18. Thank you very much Mue! The Target Area Editor and the lod viewer are so great!
  19. File Name: SF2_CanberraB20_EXP2 File Submitter: Soulfreak File Submitted: 16 January 2015 File Category: Canberra Carlo´s Cranberries Vol.4 Canberra B Mk.20 Mod & high Rez Skins This is the RAAF used GAF Canberra B Mk.20 (update for the Stock Thirdwire-Expansion 2 Canberra) This Mod works only if you have Expansion Pack 2!!!! Features: - Kesselbrut´s Canberra Bomber Cockpit - New Hangar & Loading Screens - 6 additional high Rez Skins (Silver, test units, early Camo & late Camo) - Martin Baker Mk.3 Ejection Seat - Wingtip weapon stations - Edited the inis (Loadout, working air brakes) - addet new Sound - new specular maps - new bump maps Hangar Screens are widescreen! Credits: - Ludo.m54 for the basic Templates - Ravenclaw_007 for the 3d work, ini edits, Mk3 Seat and all other support - Kesselbrut for the Cockpit - Spillone104 for the Sound (borrowed out of a pack he released earlier) - Souli (me) for the weathering effects on plane, the new skins with more Details and new bump & specular maps, hangar & loading screens - Thirdwire for this great Simulation Series & the stock Canberra -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Thanks to: Steven Beeny from http://www.nazcastudios.com/who providet great references to me about the Canberra. All Guys from http://canberratalk.conforums.com/who helped me with background info and references too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mod is for SF2 Expansion pack 2!!! Mod is tested in merged SF2V, SF2E, SF2I with Expansion Pack 2 ------------------------------------------------------------ this Mod is released under the freeware licensing agreement http://combatace.com...ware-licensing/ ------------------------------------------------------------ You have to read the readme.txt!!! I hope you´ll like this Mod. Schapen, 16th January 2015 Carlo "Souli" Vecchi Click here to download this file
  20. An up to date SU-25 pls... ;-)

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