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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. save as 24bit bitmap or is it maybe a jpg?
  2. Great Work Monty! Any chance for Modern Hangars, shelters & airport Buildings?
  3. you should use sundowners templates. The skin looks too naked for me. The German Jetzs of this area were full of stencils & markings....
  4. Well that must be something from your installed mods. Had something similar, after i added a new (terrain) object. BTw, does it happen @ all terrains or only at one specific?
  5. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Volker übertreib es nicht! Das wichtigste ist DEINE Gesundheit!
  6. Well i will donate a few bucks. Done, now I´m a prime member. But i think we should think about some methods to get some money from the members who only download stuff and do not modd. F.e.: All non modders could buy a limited size of download. Maybe 2 GB for 5$
  7. Great, Thx Russo. One question, would it be a lot of work to make a T-45C out of the A? Was thinking about to redo the skins and doing also a "C".
  8. Use Thirdwires Mission Editor. ;-)
  9. That reminds me to something Jim... ;-)
  10. Looks very nice! One thing, I think you use Bobrock´s temps. The CAF ones did not use the mainetenancing text on the nose, and the other stenceling is also a bit wrong on Bobrock´s temp. I think i still have the temps for the USAF silver skin i did a while back. If you like to have the stencils shoot me a pm. and one tip. Use less decals as much you can, looks much better. I always use decals only for the numbers. ;-)
  11. In 1961 GAF uses the old codes (JA+XXX etc)
  12. Isn´t Russo reworking the Hawk?
  13. As title says, Is there something available for the SF2 sims? I think such a list would be very helpfull
  14. Made that experience too. I solved that problem in this way: used a SF1 lod (which is often in an Terrain mod), created a copy of that object. F.e Airport_Towe2 edited the bitmap name to a new jpg one. that works fine...
  15. Multiplay

    YAP is limeted only to Gen1 sim (Wings over Vietnam). Not for any Gen2 sim.
  16. Screen shot ?

    Then make sure, that youlook in the mods folder of the sim where you have taken the screenshot. Strikefighters 2: [screenShots] Directory=C:\Users\Nick\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\ScreenShots Format=JPG Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam: [screenShots] Directory=C:\Users\Nick\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Vietnam\ScreenShots Format=JPG Strike Fighters 2 Europe: [screenShots] Directory=C:\Users\Nick\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\ScreenShots Format=JPG and so on...
  17. Screen shot ?

    Have you only got StrikeFighters 2? or also other titles of the series?
  18. Mal ne blöde Photoshop frage!

    Ich bräuchte mal einen Denkanstoss. Ich bin grad dabei das VIP Schema der neuseeländischen Andover zu painten. In der angehängten Grafik seht ihr ein FS paint. es geht mir um den blau/blauen Streifen. Wie bekomme ich das in Photoshop am besten mit den Enden hin, das sie so kurvig nach oben / unten gehen?
  19. Sukhoi Superjet from here it is: http://www.unitedtra...oi-superjet-100 Some weeks ago they offered the source for free.
  20. Helos are much needed in SF2. Was very sad that OldDiego never finished his Cobras... .-(
  21. Mal ne blöde Photoshop frage!

    Ich hab das mal getestet, aber i-wie bekomme ich dann die form nicht wirklich "rund" hin. Gibt es da noch ein spezielles Feature oder so?

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