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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. You should ask TK @ thirdwire.com forum...
  2. Well, I´m not sure, biut i think there is no sound linked to these functions from the game-programming.
  3. NO!!! There is only the one from Yankee air pirate available. >PAYWARE< And that one is for Wings over Vietnam, not SF2 Series.
  4. Look, if you got one in your flight folder. If not, Extract the file with the catfile extractor (available here under the tools section or @ thirdwire). But make sure you got the right extractor (for Gen1 Sims) The nations.ini is located in the flight cat file, if I´m right. Then open the nations.ini with the editor and add manually the nation you would like to add. and add the next number. Very easy to make, if you only wanna add 1 nation.
  5. That is the thunderstorm mod. To check it, use better weather (as Stary said) or delete the mod and try out the stock weather.
  6. Saw it yesterday on the TV... People are around, nobody belives....
  7. The Download section is very well organized. If you had a deep look into it, you would have seen, that there is NO 2 seat Mirage F.1
  8. We (GMG) did minor changes on the Model. Added working refuelprobe, working thrust reverse, reworked the whole nose section etc... The basic work is done. Only some changes for the early IDS needs still to be done. Then the Skinning work can start. So you guys have to wait 2 weeks. ;-) Elsewise great work Ian!
  9. Awesome work! Hope we will have late F.1CT & CR too. BTW, i would love to see the Greek plane in ghost camo...
  10. Mig29A Updates.7z

    Hey Russ, please modify your readmes. The GAF (JG73) & Parani Skins are my work. No original readme for them includet. Will be no problem, just give proper credit. (as the freeware licensing says) BTW a nice pack!
  11. The whole F-104 family, EF2000GT, SU-22 Fitter Family, "real" looking airbases....
  12. Check out http://www.simmerspaintshop.com/ There are many tutorials how to work with different paint programs. Very good for beginners!
  13. It´s a A-Team bird. so you have to look at their side (if you are a member there). Elsewise, no download for you.
  14. Try this one: http://combatace.com/files/file/8269-smoke-pod/
  15. Updated ECR / IDS (GAF) are in work to.
  16. Hello my modding friends, I´m working on different Starfighter skins for the AI pack. But somehow i´m confused about the things need to been tweeked. The goal from this topic, is to have a complete list of things that can tweeked without the models core file. And please stay on Topic mates (that makes it easier to see relevant posts). ;-) Please post your tweeks here, will add them to the list. Tweek List DLC28 AI Starfighters: Refuel Probe visible from Cockpit in the C Zippers: (thank you Wilches) 104c: [AircraftData] DestroyedModel=F-104_Destroyed.LOD DestroyedEffect=VehicleFireEffect EmptyMass=5973.8 EmptyInertia=64205.6,3887.8,65364.5 ReferenceArea=18.22 ReferenceSpan=6.69 ReferenceChord=2.91 CGPosition=0.00,1.00,0.00 Component[001]=Fuselage Component[002]=Nose Component[003]=LeftWing Component[004]=RightWing Component[005]=VertTail Component[006]=Tailplane Component[007]=canopy_front_top Component[008]=canopy_mid_outer Component[009]=canopy_mid_inner Component[010]=2canopy_inner Component[011]=cockpit [canopy_front_top] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=canopy_front_top ShowFromCockpit=FALSE [canopy_mid_outer] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=canopy_mid_outer ShowFromCockpit=FALSE [canopy_mid_inner] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=canopy_mid_inner ShowFromCockpit=FALSE [2canopy_inner] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=2canopy_inner ShowFromCockpit=FALSE [cockpit] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=cockpit ShowFromCockpit=FALSE [Fuselage] ModelNodeName=Fuselage ShowFromCockpit=TRUE <----- ------------------------------------------------------------ On _COCKPIT.INI: Position=0.00,5.52,0.545 ... to be continued
  17. I found some old negatives that i took back in 1996 at the open day of JG72 "Westfalen" I only could digitalize a few pictures, due to the bad state of the negatives. So the pix i share aren´t the best ones But i wanna share them with you. You see some German Army CH-53Gs, BO-105, some Luftwaffe F-4F, Transall, MiG-29, a Belgian AlphaJet and a civil JU-52
  18. Mal ne blöde Photoshop frage!

    Ich muss mich da mal reinfuchsen, hab bisher noch nie mit Pfaden gearbeitet...
  19. Mal ne blöde Photoshop frage!

    Danke! Ich werds mal austüfteln!
  20. End Date generated from the other Skins. f.e. one skin is start date 1976, the other one 1977 so the 1st skin will only show up in 1976 and the other one 1977+ Look at my Argentinean Canberra mod, there i have 3 skins in 1 before 1982, one during Falklands war and one post war....
  21. check this out: http://combatace.com/files/file/13929-weapons-pack-2/ ;-)
  22. MiG-29

    Ich find das ehrlich gesagt nicht gut was Russo da mit der MiG gemacht hat. Habe ihm damals gesagt (als er anfangen wollte an der Fulcrum zu arbeiten) das Volker daran arbeitet. Aber er hat einfach weiter gemacht...

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