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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Not from me, i only play around with the bases and other easy stuff....
  2. Oups, sorry my bad! :-D Then try it out! ;-) choose an ac and set all skins to start date 1. ;-) I bet the texture which is 1st in the aircrafts ini will only shown up (if the skins are all the same nation). Otherwise the skin which matches with the nation you have choosen will show up 1st.. ;-)
  3. if you make a date f.e. 1959 then the skin appears not before 1959. Check my argentinean Canberras, there i used the method to let the skins show up historical correct.
  4. I have thete something in work with new titles by Stary, new airbases etc. but still a long way to go.... EDIT: BTW, check the forums where you wanna post something. ;-)
  5. Ah, i now know why. haven´t scanned them yet. Will do over the weekend and forward them to you!
  6. Effects folder under your mods folder... For the KfIr: Extract the inis for the Kfirs and check what tga is written in, so you can easy check if the 3 Aircrafts use the same tga. ;-)
  7. Zotz Decals has got an 1/32 Decal sheet, which I have.... Have I sended it to you Enoc? BTW, the SU-27 Decals Svetlin was refering to, i maybe can get in a very high rez Quality!!!
  8. Best is then, that you re-download an effectspack and install it in both mod folders i guess
  9. Is this so, when you start SF2E.exe or exp2.exe or are both affected? If only one is affected, copy the effects folder (of the uneffected mod folder) to the effected one.
  10. Can´t wait to test this one!
  11. BTW, has anyone a fix for the not moving nozzle?
  12. Hello CA Members & Admins! I think it´s slowly getting time to reorganize the SF2 download section. There are so many files inside, that a search for specific files takes very long. Wouldn´t it make sense to reorganize the SF2 download sction in a way the SF1 download section is? Add subcategories for skins / aircrafts?
  13. SF2 Library Reorganization Complete

    A very big "Thank you" to everyone involved!!!
  14. Specular Maps frage

    Hallo Leute, ich hab da mal Fragen zu den specular maps. - wofür sind die überhaupt da? - wie bekomme ich sie hin das sie so aussehen wie im angehängten Beispiel? Warum sind die nur bei den naturmetallenen Skins und wie kann man die an bzw. abschalten? Hab mir 2 Tage lang einen abgebrochen im nvidea tool für Photoshop und erfolglos das Netz durchsucht...
  15. Specular Maps frage

    Nee, das sind die Bump maps. Die liegen mit im Ordner des Fliegers, die specular maps liegen mit im Skin ordner...
  16. Redownload your purchsed games from thirdwire.com (they will be patched to latest point, so no patching needed) install them in order after release date. first install should be the oldest, last the newest.
  17. Eagle Dynamics DCS Series Summer Sale

    I think it´s time for me to try out Flaming Cliffs 3....
  18. Well i think that will be a part of Exp. 3 maybe. elsewise Thirdwire had released it before, cause such a DLC will bring a lot of money i think....
  19. Thank you Kevin, but that should only go for the C Zippers right? The A hasn´t got the centerline missle rails, or?
  20. hello

    Hello & welcome! http://flyawaysimulation.com/downloads/files/2220/fsx-project-t-37-37/ little tip, Google is you friend. ;-)
  21. Specular Maps frage

    Ah ok. Das hilft! Danke Flo!
  22. So, photoreal textures are made... ;-)
  23. Maybe we could use something from Russo´s SU-9!? http://combatace.com/files/file/13382-sukhoi-fishpot-su-9f-upgraded-b-model/
  24. Very cool, will get it too! A lot of stuff to play with....
  25. F-4E ARN-101 + RF-4C Droptanks

    Bei den stock Phantoms sind die Tanks teil des 3d Models. D.h. die Texturen für die Tanks sind im skins folder. Bei add on Fliegern kommt es darauf an. Volkers F-4Es z.b. haben auch die Tanks im 3d Modell mit drin. Die älteren (Mirage Factory) nicht. Wenn sie nicht im Modell drin sind kommen die Texturen aus dem Weapons Folder.

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